Page 17 - DMEA Week 45 2022
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

             business new africa       bna/IntelliNews

       Fighting tribal groups and militias in southern
       and central parts of the country usually clash to
       exert pressure on the Tripoli-based government
       of PM Abdulhamid Dbeibah to hand over power
       to the new Parliament-appointed government of
       Fathi Bashagha.
       bna/November 7 2022

       Turkish refiner Tupras

       reports Q3 2022 financials          man. The group has companies in a wide range  holders of the convertible bonds will, in accord-

       Largest Turkish oil refiner Tupras realised 7mn  of sectors, such as sugar, pasta, milk, gas and oil.  ance with the conditions, receive on conversion
       tonnes of production and 8.5mn tonnes of sales   According to Bloomberg Billionaires Index,  a cash amount equal to the value of the ordinary
       on capacity utilisation of 98% in Q3 2022, the  Dangote’s net worth is estimated at $18.6bn as  shares,” said the Sasol release.
       company said on November 3. Production and  of October, making him the 65th richest person   Sasol is active in the US, Qatar and Mozam-
       sales were up 0.9% y/y and 6.8% y/y, respectively.  in the world.        bique, as well as South Africa.
         Recorded revenues amounted to TRY151bn   bna/November 7 2022           bna/November 4 2022
         Said Tupras, a unit of Turkish conglomerate   Sasol offers $750mn
       Koc Holding: “The persistence of supply prob-                            PETROCHEMICALS
       lems in oil producing countries caused the price   worth of guaranteed
       of Brent crude oil to rise, while fears of recession                     Takeover battle for
       were effective in keeping the price at $93.3 per   convertible bonds
       barrel in the third quarter of 2022.”                                    Egypt’s leading paints
         The company also noted: “In the third quar-  South Africa’s Sasol Financing USA LLC has
       ter of 2022, as a result of the decrease in energy  launched an offering of $750mn guaranteed   maker heats up
       investments and the natural gas shortage in  senior convertible bonds, the proceeds of which
       Europe, energy costs remained at historically  have been earmarked for general corporate use  The takeover battle for Egypt’s leading synthetic
       high levels. Within this time period, Tupras’  and for refinancing its parent company, Sasol  paints producer, Paints and Chemicals Indus-
       energy expenditures increased to 5 times of the  Ltd’s debt.             tries (PACHIN), heated up this week with a new
       same period of last year.”             Sasol, a global energy and chemicals pro-  offer coming from National Paints Holdings Ltd
       bne/IntelliNews, November 4 2022    ducer headquartered in South Africa, said the  valuing the company at EGP696mn ($28.7mn),
                                           convertible bonds will be issued on or around  media sources reported.
       Nigeria’s Dangote closing           November 8 and that it would guarantee pay-  tre-registered National Paints Holdings Ltd
                                                                                  The Dubai International Financial Cen-
                                           ments in respect of the instrument.
       10-year bond to fund oil            on Tuesday, November 1, the bonds are expected  per share, valuing the company at EGP420mn
                                              According to a company statement published  is offering EGP16.5-EGP18.75 ($0.68-$0.77)
       refinery on November 7              to pay a coupon of between 4.0% and 4.5% per  ($17.3mn). This is EGP10 ($0.41) per share more
                                           annum, payable semi-annually in arrear in equal  than a previous offer from Universal Building
       The application list for Dangote Industries’  instalments on May 8 and November 8 of each  Materials and Chemicals Company (SIPES).
       NGN112.4bn ($256mn) bond closes on Novem-  year.                           SIPES’s bid itself competed with an earlier
       ber 7, The Nation has revealed.        The bonds, subject to the receipt of the requi-  offer made by Saipad Industrial Investments
         The bond lasts for 10 years, with a mini-  site approvals at a general meeting of the share-  in early July valuing PACHIN even lower at
       mum subscription of NGN10mn, specifically  holders of Sasol, will be convertible into new  EGP384mn ($15.8).
       designed to attract high-net-worth investors and  and/or existing ordinary shares of Sasol, cash at   Egyptian Stock Exchange-listed PACHIN is
       investment firms.                   the election of the company, or a combination  majority state owned, with Chemical Industries
         The application process lasted for a week.  thereof, in each case, pursuant to and in accord-  Holding Company the largest single shareholder,
         The money raised through the bond issue will  ance with the conditions.  owning a 44.6% equity stake in the paint maker,
       be used to finance capital cost items for the Dan-  . “The initial conversion price is expected to  and state-owned Banque Misr holding a further
       gote Refinery project, the company’s integrated  be set within a premium range of 30% to 35%  10.52%.
       refinery and petrochemical complex in Lagos.  above the volume weighted average price of the   PACHIN sunk into the red in the nine
         The project is seen as being important for the  ordinary shares listed on the main board of the  months (July-March) 2021/2022, recording
       Nigerian economy, due to the country’s lack of  JSE Ltd [Johannesburg Stock Exchange] between  an EGP856,000 ($35,300) loss on EGP663mn
       refinery capacity. As things stand, the majority of  opening of trading [on November 1] and pricing  ($27.4mn) revenues, compared to a EGP50mn
       Nigerian oil is sent abroad to be refined.  which is expected later [the same day], translated  ($2mn) profit on revenues of EGP639mn
         Dangote Industries is part of the Dangote  into [US dollars] using the USD-ZAR [South  ($26.4mn) in the comparable period the previ-
       Group, a multinational industrial conglomer-  African rand] exchange rate at the time of pric-  ous year.
       ate, founded by Aliko Dangote, Africa’s richest  ing prior to, and/or absent of such approvals,   bna/November 4 2022

       Week 45   10•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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