Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 4

      LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY Y                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                                         (Photo: Shell)
       New Fortress battles

       to advance LNG plans

       NFE runs into regulatory issues and environmental opposition to its LNG plans in the US and Puerto Rico

                         NEW Fortress Energy (NFE) is trying to move   piece – Philly Boricuas community organiser
                         forward with its LNG plans in both the US and   Fermin Morales and New Jersey State Confer-
       WHAT:             the unincorporated US territory of Puerto Rico.   ence NAACP environmental and climate justice
       NFE is trying to navigate   However, as concerns over the impact of climate   chairman Marcus Sibley – have argued that the
       regulatory issues and   change mount, the company is dealing with   facility should also be subject to FERC review.
       environmental opposition   increasingly vocal environmental opposition to   Currently, the project is not deemed subject
       as it pushes ahead with   new LNG developments.        to FERC jurisdiction, and an NFE subsidiary
       its LNG plans.      This, in turn, could result in increased reg-  filed a petition to the regulator a year ago seek-
                         ulatory scrutiny for NFE’s plans, and potential   ing a declaratory order that the facility is exempt.
       WHY:              delays if tougher regulatory hurdles need to be
       Opposition to the com-  overcome.                      Trouble in Puerto Rico
       pany’s plans could result
       in increased regulatory   This week, an opinion piece published in the   This is not the first time NFE has come under
       scrutiny once more.  Philadelphia Inquirer called on the US Federal   scrutiny, and indeed, Morales and Sibley are
                         Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to   hoping that the company’s experience in Puerto
       WHAT NEXT:        scrutinise NFE’s plans to liquefy gas in Pennsyl-  Rico can be replicated in New Jersey.
       The project to export LNG   vania and transport it to New Jersey by rail or   In 2017, FERC began a regulatory review of
       from the US Northeast   truck for export.              the LNG import terminal that the company was
       has numerous other   The Delaware River Basin Commission   building in Puerto Rico, within the port of San
       hurdles to overcome and   (DRBC) approved a permit for construction of   Juan. It did so after several non-governmental
       its status is uncertain.  the marine terminal at Gibbstown, New Jersey,   organisations (NGOs) in Puerto Rico, includ-
                         from which NFE would export LNG in Decem-  ing community, environmental and religious
                         ber 2020. However, the authors of the opinion   groups, filed complaints against the project.

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