Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 9

LatAmOil                                         GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

       Venezuelan territorial claim draws sharp

       response from Guyanese government

                         THE government of Guyana has raised strong   in this regard and our continued support of a
                         objections to Venezuela’s restatement of its claim   national approach to safeguarding Guyana’s sov-
                         to territory that includes Stabroek, an offshore   ereignty,” the party said in a separate statement.
                         block that contains at least 9bn barrels of oil   Both the Venezuelan government and the
                         equivalent (boe) in recoverable reserves.  opposition stated during the talks in Mexico
                           In a statement published last week, Guyana’s   City that they did not believe the matter should
                         Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International   be left to the ICJ. Instead, they urged George-
                         Co-operation protested against Venezuelan   town to negotiate directly with Caracas.
                         officials’ announcement that both the govern-  Venezuelan government officials travelled to
                         ment and opposition parties were united in   Mexico City earlier this month to continue talks
                         their determination to assert Caracas’ rights to   with opposition leaders on political, economic
                         about two-thirds of Guyana’s land area. If Ven-  and social co-operation. The talks have yielded
                         ezuela were to gain control over this territory,   some concrete results, in that opposition parties
                         which it calls Guayana Esequiba, it would have   have said they will participate in the elections
                         dominion over the offshore oilfields discovered   scheduled for November 21, but they have not
                         at Stabroek.                         succeeded in convincing the US to lift sanctions
                           The agreement between Venezuela’s govern-  on Venezuela’s lucrative oil industry. ™
                         ment and opposition “is an overt threat to the
                         sovereignty and territorial integrity of Guyana,”
                         the ministry said in its statement.
                           “Guyana cannot be used as an altar of sacri-
                         fice for settlement of Venezuela’s internal politi-
                         cal differences,” it added.
                           It also indicated that Georgetown would con-
                         tinue to seek a settlement through the Interna-
                         tional Court of Justice (ICJ). “The controversy
                         between Guyana and Venezuela is properly
                         before the International Court of Justice and
                         will remain there for peaceful resolution,” it said.
                           Guyana’s main opposition party APNU/AFC
                         came out strongly in support of the government,
                         saying it also favoured plans to work with the
                         ICJ. “We reiterate our faith in the rule of inter-
                         national law in pursuit of a peaceful settlement   Venezuela has laid claim to territory that includes Stabroek (Image: ONSA)

       Hess CEO says Pinktail may be part of

       sixth development project at Stabroek

                         EXXONMOBIL  Guyana, a subsidiary of   coupled with Whiptail, a discovery announced
                         US-based ExxonMobil, may include its latest   earlier this year ... to be the sixth development.”
                         find in Guyana’s offshore zone in its sixth devel-  Hess drew attention to the high quality of the
                         opment project at the Stabroek block.  oil-bearing sandstone reservoir encountered in
                           According to the head of Hess, the US inde-  the Pinktail-1 well, saying he expected the new
                         pendent that holds a minority stake in Stabroek,   field to “have good economics.”
                         the newly discovered Pinktail oilfield may be   He went on to describe the new discovery
                         developed together with a nearby site. John Hess,   as “very, very important in terms of going up
                         the CEO of the company, said during a recent   the value queue in terms of what our next set of
                         webcast that Pinktail “has the potential to be   developments are.”

       Week 37   16•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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