Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 10

LatAmOil                                          GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

                         The CEO did not say when ExxonMobil and its   Hess Guyana Exploration, with 30%; and China
                         partners might select their next development   National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), with
                         targets. They brought the first project, Liza-1,   25%. The partners made their first discovery
                         on stream in December 2019 and are due to   at Liza in 2015 and have made more than 20
                         launch the second, Liza-2, early next year. The   additional finds over the last six year. They now
                         third development project will be Payara, which   estimate the block’s recoverable reserves at more
                         is slated to begin production in 2024, followed   than 9bn barrels of oil equivalent (boe). ™
                         by Yellowtail, the fourth in 2025. (Longtail and
                         Uaru/Mako have both been mentioned as can-
                         didates for the fifth project, but no decision has
                         been made yet.)
                           Speaking during the same webcast, Hess’
                         COO Greg Hill expressed enthusiasm about the
                         Yellowtail project, saying that this fourth target
                         would be drawing on a larger resource base than
                         Liza-1, Liza-2 or Payara. “[We’re] pretty excited
                         about the overall economics of Yellowtail and
                         also the size of the reservoir that it’s going to
                         develop,” he commented.
                           Hill also drew attention to ExxonMobil’s
                         plan for drilling its first dedicated well to test
                         deep-lying reserves at the Fangtooth section of
                         Stabroek in the fourth quarter of 2021, saying
                         that the partners hoped to find large volumes of
                         oil at the site. The outcome of this drilling pro-
                         gramme “will be a real key piece of data,” he said.
                         “Fangtooth, if it’s big enough, could potentially
                         be a stand-alone hub on its own,” he added.
                           ExxonMobil has said that Stabroek may yield
                         as much as 1mn barrels per day of oil by the end
                         of the decade. Liza-1 is already capable of pro-
                         ducing 120,000 bpd, while Liza-2 and Payara
                         are expected to yield 220,000 bpd each. Yellow-
                         tail’s output is anticipated to reach 250,000 bpd,
                         and the fifth and sixth development projects are
                         likely to contribute at least 220,000 bpd apiece.
                           Equity in the Stabroek project is split between
                         ExxonMobil Guyana, the operator, with 45%;    Whiptail and Pinktail may be developed together, Hess says (Image: Hess)

       NFE, Norsk Hydro finalise terms of LNG

       supply deal for alumina refinery in Brazil

                         NEW Fortress Energy (NFE)announced last   to natural gas as part of its global commitment
                         week that it had finalised the commercial terms   to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
                         of a deal with a Norsk Hydro subsidiary to sup-  by 30% by 2030. The fuel switch is anticipated
                         ply natural gas to the Alunorte alumina refinery   to reduce the refinery’s carbon dioxide (CO2)
                         in Pará, Brazil. The gas will be supplied from   emissions by 600,000 tonnes per year (tpy).
                         NFE’s Barcarena LNG receiving and regasifica-  “This is a great example of how our LNG
                         tion terminal, which is also in the state of Pará.  terminals can accelerate the energy transition
                           Under the terms of the 15-year agreement,   in Brazil,” said Wes Edens, NFE’s chairman and
                         NFE will supply Hydro with 29.5 trillion British   CEO.
                         thermal units of natural gas per year, equivalent   Hydro’s executive vice-president for bauxite
                         to roughly 1mn gallons (3.8mn litres) per day   and alumina, John Thuestad, described the fuel
                         of LNG. The deal comes as Hydro converts the   switch to LNG as “another step to improve our
                         calcination process and part of the steam gen-  operations, driving sustainability and industry
                         eration at the Alunorte refinery from fuel oil   best practices to lower environmental impact.”

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