Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 37 2021
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The extension of existing licences on improved  the non-binding phase initiated on July 8, 2021,  Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). The fields are
       commercial terms, the broader opportunity set  related to the sale of its entire 27.88% equity  located in the northern portion of the Santos
       being developed via the 3D seismic interpreta-  interest in Deten Química, located in the indus-  Basin, between 140 and 160 km off the coast of
       tion, opportunities to act as a consolidator in  trial complex of Camaçari, in the state of Bahia.  the state of Rio de Janeiro, in water depths rang-
       Trinidad and the potential to work with part-  The company is starting today the binding phase  ing from 1,000 to 1,500 metres. The fields’ pro-
       ners to access more material opportunities, all  of the project.         duction, in 2020, was approximately 5,000 bpd
       provide excellent prospects for the second half   Potential buyers qualified for this phase will  of oil and 918,000 cubic metres per day of gas.
       and beyond.                         receive a process letter with detailed instructions  Petrobras holds a 100% stake in both fields.
         Nicholas Clayton, Non-Executive Chairman  on the divestment process, including guidelines   Petrobras, September 8 2021
       of Trinity, commented: “I am incredibly proud of  for due diligence and the submission of binding
       the resilience demonstrated by the Trinity team  proposals.
       in the wake of the sudden passing of Bruce Ding-  This disclosure complies with Petrobras’  FINANCE
       wall and the ongoing challenges to the business  internal rules and the special regime of asset
       posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. On behalf  divestment by federal mixed-capital companies,   SBM Offshore completes
       of the entire Board, I would like to express my  provided for in Decree 9,188/2017. This trans-
       sincere thanks to everyone at Trinity for their  action is in line with the company’s strategy of   $1.6bn financing deal
       continued dedication throughout this challeng-  portfolio optimisation and capital allocation
       ing period.                         improvement, aiming at maximising value.  for Sepetiba FPSO
         “The continued hard work and dedication of   About Deten: Deten manufactures and sells
       our team ensures continued focus on profitably  the main raw materials for the production of  SBM Offshore has completed the project financ-
       scaling the business by acting as a consolidator  liquid and powder biodegradable detergents. It  ing of FPSO Sepetiba for a total of $1.6bn, which
       onshore, working with partners to access larger  is the only domestic producer of Linear Alkylb-  is the largest project financing in the Company’s
       opportunities that we could not contemplate by  enzene (LAB), the precursor to Linear Alkylb-  history.
       ourselves, and diversifying our revenue streams  enzene Sulfonate Acid (LABSA), of which it is   The project financing was secured by a con-
       where opportunities exist to enhance the eco-  also the manufacturer. It also produces Heavy  sortium of 13 international banks with insurance
       nomics of our core asset base.      Alkylate (ALP), used in lubricant additives and  cover from Export Credit Agencies (ECA): Nip-
         “Our strong cash generation, high margin  textile oil.                 pon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI)
       operating model and growing reputation in the   Petrobras, September 16 2021  and SACE.
       region mean that we are extremely well placed to                           A letter of intent was received from China
       take advantage of an attractive set of new busi-  Petrobras releases teaser of   Export & Credit Insurance Corporation (Sino-
       ness opportunities.                                                      sure), which intends to join this transaction by
         “It goes without saying that the tragic loss of   E&P assets in Santos Basin  the end of the year and will replace a portion of
       Bruce last month affected everyone at Trinity,                           the commercial banks’ commitments.
       but we are determined to build on his legacy,  Petrobras informs that it has started the oppor-  The facility is composed of four separate
       realising the full potential of the strong position  tunity disclosure stage (teaser), referring to the  tranches with a 4.3% weighted average cost of
       which the Group is now in.”         sale of the totality of its stake in the Uruguá and  debt, a 14-year post-completion maturity for the
       Trinity Exploration & Production, September 15   Tambaú fields, belonging to the BS-500 conces-  ECA covered tranches and a 15-year post-com-
       2021                                sion, located in the Santos Basin, in the state of  pletion maturity on the uncovered tranches.
                                           Rio de Janeiro.                        FPSO Sepetiba is owned and operated by a
                                              The teaser, which includes key information  special purpose company owned by affiliated
       INVESTMENT                          about the opportunity, as well as the eligibility  companies of SBM Offshore (64.5%) and its
                                           criteria for the selection of potential participants,  partners (35.5%). The vessel has a processing
       Petrobras starts binding            is available on the Petrobras’ Investor Relations  capacity of up to 180,000 barrels per day (bpd)
                                           website. The main subsequent stages of the pro-
                                                                                of oil, a water injection capacity of 250,000 bpd,
       phase of Deten Química              ject will be reported to the market in due course.  associated gas treatment capacity of 12mn cubic
                                              This disclosure is in accordance with Petro-
                                                                                meters per day and a minimum storage capacity
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  bras’ internal rules and with the provisions of  of 1.4mn barrels of crude oil. The FPSO will be
       on June 28, 2021, informs that it has concluded  the special procedure for assignment of rights to  spread moored in approximately 2,000 metres
                                           exploration, development and production of oil,  water depth.
                                           natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons, pro-  FPSO Sepetiba will be deployed at the Mero
                                           vided for in Decree 9,355/2018.      field in the Santos Basin offshore Brazil, 180 km
                                              This transaction is in line with the company’s  offshore Rio de Janeiro. The Libra block, where
                                           strategy of portfolio optimisation, debt reduc-  the Mero field is located, is under Production
                                           tion, and capital allocation improvement, as it  Sharing Agreement to a Consortium com-
                                           increasingly concentrates its resources in world-  prised of Petrobras, as the Operator, with 40%,
                                           class assets in deep and ultradeep waters, where  Shell Brasil with 20%, TotalEnergies with 20%,
                                           Petrobras has shown a great competitive edge  CNODC with 10% and CNOOC Limited with
                                           over the years.                      10% interest. The Consortium also has the par-
                                              About Uruguá e Tambaú fields: The Uruguá  ticipation of the state-owned company Pré-Sal
                                           and Tambaú fields belong to the BS-500 con-  Petróleo SA (PPSA), as manager of the Produc-
                                           cession, which was acquired through the Zero  tion Sharing Contract.
                                           Round of the National Agency of Petroleum,   SBM Offshore, September 16 2021

       Week 37   16•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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