Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 12

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

       Petrobras to launch new fuel contracts

                         BRAZIL’S state-run oil and gas firm Petrobras is   has already signed contracts for two of them –
                         planning to launch new contracts for the sale of   namely, the Landulpho Alves Refinery (RLAM)
                         gasoline and diesel, in the hope of encouraging   in  Bahia  State  and  Refinaria  Isaac  Sabba
                         competition in the refining sector.  (REMAN) in Amazonas State.
                           The Sao-Paolo based company said it plans to   The other six refineries have yet to be sold.
                         be “more flexible” so that it can respond to com-  According to previous reports, Petrobras has
                         petition in the downstream sector. It also hopes   been ordered to sell five of them – Refinaria
                         that the new contracts will create opportunities   Lubrificantes e Derivados do Nordeste (LUB-
                         for the country to import more fuel, according   NOR) in Ceara State, Refinaria Alberto Pas-
                         to a Petrobras securities filing cited by Reuters.  qualini (REFAP) in Rio Grande do Sul State,
                           The company said in the filing that the   Refinaria Gabriel Passos (REGAP) in Minas
                         changes would enable it to adjust to market   Gerais State, Refinaria do Nordeste (RNEST) in
                         conditions. But it also stressed that there would   Pernambuco State and Unidade de Industrial-
                         be no changes to its pricing policies. “In the   izacao de Xisto (SIX) in Parana State – by Octo-
                         current market scenario, characterised by the   ber 30. It. Additionally, it has been instructed
                         entry of imported product by third parties and   to unload one more plant, Refinaria Presidente
                         by the divestment process of refining assets, it   Getulio Vargas (REPAR), by December 31.
                         is necessary to promote improvements in some   Over the last 18 months, Petrobras has been
                         commercial and operational clauses,” it stated.  operating its refineries significantly below
                           The state-owned company controls 13   full capacity in response to the coronavirus
                         refineries with a combined installed capacity   (COVID-19) pandemic. When the pandemic
                         of 2.2mn barrels per day (bpd). It has included   hit its first peak in April 2020, the plants were
                         eight of these plants in its privatisation plan and   operating at 60% capacity on average. ™

       Santa Fe seeks bids for pipeline expansion

                         THE northern Argentinian province of Santa Fe   President Alberto Fernández unveiled a major
                         has launched a new tender for the purpose of   gas stimulus plan last October.
                         expanding the Southern Regional Pipeline, a key   The package, known as Plan Gas 4, provides
                         transportation route for natural gas.  for the national oil company (NOC) YPF to
                           The starting price of the contract for expand-  invest $1.8bn in gas production over the next
                         ing Gasoducto Regional Sur, as the link is known   three years. It has also established a four-year
                         locally, has been set at $8.27mn, according to a   tender scheme under which producers will be
                         press statement from the provincial govern-  able to offer gas to the market at a price of up to
                         ment. Bidding is due to begin on October 14,   $3.70 per mmBtu. The tenders are designed to
                         and potential investors will have to submit their   secure supplies of 70mn cubic metres per day,
                         applications remotely through the Google Meet   equivalent to just over half of the Latin Ameri-
                         platform, it added.                  can country’s current production.
                           Santa Fe’s infrastructure and public services   The gas plan is expected to save Argen-
                         ministry is carrying out the tender via a provin-  tina around $5bn in imports to cover seasonal
                         cial gas and renewable energy company. The   demand, officials have said. Argentina had one
                         winner of the bidding contest will have to lay 18   of the strictest lockdowns in the early stages of
                         km of new pipe so that gas can begin flowing to   the pandemic, and as a result, operations in the
                         six additional towns in the province: Carmen,   oil and gas sector virtually ground to a halt. ™
                         Teodelina, Casilda, Venado Tuerto, Melincué
                         and Firmat. When finished, the link is expected
                         to benefit thousands of industrial, businesses
                         and residential consumers in these towns.
                           The expansion contract is being tendered as
                         Argentina’s government proceeds with efforts to
                         encourage the operators of natural and uncon-
                         ventional gas fields to boost production follow-
                         ing the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.     Gasoducto Regional Sur (Photo: Gentileza)

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   16•September•2021
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