Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 37 2021
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The LNG complex is on Telfers Island near the Atlantic end of the Panama Canal (Photo: AES Colón)
AES Colón spent around $1.15bn on building TotalEnergies (France) and Inversiones Bahía,
its gas complex, which began operating in 2018. had agreed to work with an affiliate of Tropigas
The facility includes an LNG regasification (Dominican Republic) to distribute LNG by
plant, a 180,000 cubic metre gas storage tank, truck in Panama and Costa Rica.
a terminal that can transfer LNG to trucks for The parties agreed to source LNG for the
overland delivery, a pier that can berth ships project from the AES Colón complex, saying
with storage capacities of 3,000-160,000 cubic they could use tanker trucks to distribute fuel
metres and a 381-MW combined-cycle TPP. to industrial and business consumers such as
Last year, AES Colón revealed that TPPs, manufacturing facilities, hotels, food and
Colón LNG Marketing, its partnership with beverage suppliers and transport companies.
Melbana, Sonangol spud Alameda-1
exploration well at onshore Block 9
AUSTRALIA’S Melbana Energy reported ear-
lier this week that it had spudded the Alameda-1
exploration well at Block 9, a licence area on
Cuba’s northern coast. In a statement, Melbana
said it had begun drilling the well on September
13. It noted that Alameda-1 would be testing
three separate targets that may hold as much as
141mn barrels of crude oil.
The company has not said exactly when it
expects to complete the well. It has reported,
though, that working conditions at the drilling
site are favourable. “[An] additional 14 con-
tainers of contractor materials and equipment
arrived at port on schedule on September 13 and
are in the process of clearing customs and being
transported to site,” it said. “Additional Melbana Block 9 is on Cuba’s northern coast (Image: Melbana Energy)
personnel have also now arrived in [the] coun-
try to supplement the capabilities of the project project via a farm-in deal in 2020. Sonangol has
management team.” agreed to cover 85% of the $30mn cost of the
Melbana is developing Block 9 in co-opera- two-well drilling programme that begins with
tion with Angola’s national oil company (NOC) the Alameda-1 exploration well, and the Aus-
Sonangol, which acquired a 70% stake in the tralian company will cover the remaining 15%.
Week 37 16•September•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P7