Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 37 2021
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LatAmOil BRAZIL LatAmOil
The Alunorte refinery is in Pará state (Photo: Norsk Hydro)
The two companies also believe that as the final build decision and approval by Hydro.
Alunorte refinery will be a major gas consumer, NFE’s Barcarena terminal is anticipated to be
it will help LNG supply to become more broadly completed and ready to supply natural gas in the
established in Pará state, opening up access for first quarter of 2022, while the Alunorte refinery
other industries and customers. The deal is sub- is expected to complete the conversion to natu-
ject to the execution of definitive agreements, a ral gas by the first quarter of 2023.
Major LNG-to-power joint venture
commissions its first TPP in Açu
GAS Natural Açu (GNA), a joint venture formed (Germany), BP (UK) and Prumo, a private Bra-
to execute Latin America’s largest LNG-to- zilian entity controlled by EIG Global Energy
power project, has successfully commissioned Partners (US). Siemens has agreed to build the
the first thermal power plant (TPP) within its TPPs, while Prumo is operating the BW Magna
Açu Gas Hub complex in Rio de Janeiro State. FSRU. BP, for its part, is supplying the terminal
The joint venture took this step after Bra- with LNG.
zil’s Electricity Regulatory Authority (ANEEL) The joint venture also includes China’s State
approved plans for starting commercial opera- Power Investment Corp. (SPIC), which com-
tions at the GNA-I TPP, which has a capacity of pleted its acquisition of a stake in GNA earlier
1,300 MW. The facility was originally slated to this year. The joint venture said at the time that
come online in June of this year but missed that the Chinese company had acquired a 33% stake
deadline. in the GNA-I and GNA-II TPPs, as well as the
GNA-I is the first of four TPPs that GNA Açu Gas Hub. It also noted that SPIC had final-
aims to build at the Açu Gas Hub complex. The ised an agreement that would allow it to partic-
GNA-II plant, which is currently under con- ipate in the future expansion of the complex via
struction, is slated to begin operating in 2023. the construction of the GNA-III and GNA-IV
It will have a generating capacity of 1,700 MW. plants.
The complex, which has already been outfit-
ted with an LNG import and regasification ter-
minal and an onshore pipeline, will eventually
include another two gas-fired TPPs, GNA-III
and GNA-IV. The terminal consists of the BW
Magna, a floating storage and regasification unit
(FSRU) that can take delivery of the equivalent
of 21mn cubic metres per day of natural gas, and
a connection to the onshore pipeline that will
pump gas to the power stations.
The BW Magna received its first LNG cargo
late last year. According to a previous statement
from GNA, the FSRU took delivery of the cargo
from BP on December 27, 2020.
GNA’s founding members are Siemens GNA-I power station, shown while still under construction (Photo: GNA)
Week 37 16•September•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P11