Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 37 2021
P. 8

LatAmOil                                           CUBA                                             LatAmOil

                         Andrew Purcell, the executive chairman of Mel-  updates as drilling progresses.”
                         bana, described the spudding of the Alameda-1   According to a presentation on Melbana’s
                         well as a positive development.      web site, Alameda-1 is being sunk at a site that
                           “This has been a long-anticipated day,   is directly adjacent to a previously drilled well
                         and our thanks and appreciation go out to all   in which hydrocarbons flowed to the surface.
                         those members of our project management   The second drilling site will be Zapato-1, and
                         team [who] have toiled so tirelessly over many   this well will target a section of Block 9 that is
                         months to ensure that we commenced drilling   believed to be the source of the nearby Motembo
                         on schedule,” he said. “We will provide regular   oilfield. ™

                                                     VENEZUEL A
       Venezuela keen to restart El Palito oil

       refinery despite maintenance challenges

                         THE Venezuelan government is keen to restart   the matter told Bloomberg that the plant has not
                         operations at the El Palito refinery, which serves   yet started producing fuel. The units have not
                         as one of the country’s key sources of gasoline,   been operating since the end of last year, and
                         despite ongoing maintenance problems.  their water and ventilation units are still under-
                           The cash-strapped administration of Presi-  going repairs, the source said.
                         dent Nicolas Maduro is pushing the national oil   PdVSA’s refineries are currently using only
                         company (NOC) PdVSA to bring the plant back   about 5% of their total throughput capacity and
                         online within the framework of a wider effort   turning out just 60,000 bpd of gasoline, diesel
                         to double domestic fuel production. Maduro   and other fuels. The NOC has tried to raise
                         hopes this campaign will help mitigate the   throughput in the past by appropriating some
                         severe petroleum product shortages that have   of the oil produced by its joint ventures with for-
                         been reported at filling stations nationwide,   eign firms in order to feed domestic refineries,
                         according to a report from Bloomberg.  including the 950,000 bpd Paraguana complex.
                           The president went into further detail in a   Paraguana, one of the three largest oil-pro-
                         recent interview on state television. “Local fuel   cessing facilities in the world, was created via the
                         demand has doubled during this year. It’s an   merger of the Amuay refinery, the Bajo Grande
                         important indicator of the economic recovery ...   refinery and the Cardón refinery. The complex,
                         Within weeks, we’ll be in the phase of doubling   which is located on Venezuela’s western coast-
                         fuel production to alleviate this issue,” he said.  line, has suffered in recent years from mainte-
                           State-run PdVSA began partial operations at   nance issues and a lack of feedstock.
                         three units of the 140,000 barrel per day (bpd)   Oil revenues traditionally account for about
                         El Palito refinery in central Venezuela earlier   95% of Venezuela’s export earnings. They have
                         this month. According to Jose Joaquin Vargas,   declined precipitously since early 2019, when
                         a representative of PdVSA refining’s arm, the   the administration of former President Donald
                         company is planning to start two more units by   Trump imposed sanctions on PdVSA with the
                         the end of the month.                aim of reducing the country’s oil exports and
                           However, a source with direct knowledge of   exerting pressure on Maduro to step down. ™

                                               The El Palito refinery has a throughput capacity of 140,000 bpd  (Photo: PdVSA)

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