Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 37 2021
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UPSTREAM participates in energy transmission, manage- Keppel O&M delivers
ment of real-time systems (XM) and the Con-
Karoon and Pitkin settle cesión Costera Barranquilla-Cartagena. Liza Unity, Guyana’s
At the international level, Ecopetrol focuses
dispute in respect of Block on strategic basins on the American conti- second FPSO
nent, with E&P operations in the United States
Z-38 offshore Peru (the Permian basin and the Gulf of Mexico), Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M)
Brazil and Mexico, and through ISA and its wholly-owned subsidiary Keppel Shipyard has
Karoon Energy has announced that, further to subsidiaries it has leading positions in the trans- delivered the Liza Unity, a mega Floating Pro-
its announcement on May 26, 2021, its whol- mission business in Brazil, Chile, Peru and duction Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO),
ly-owned branch, KEI (Peru Z-38) Pty Ltd, Bolivia, in road concessions in Chile, and in to SBM Offshore with no loss-time incidents.
Sucursal del Peru, has entered into a deed of telecommunications. This follows the delivery of Guyana’s first FPSO
settlement and release in respect of its dispute Ecopetrol, September 14 2021 by Keppel O&M in 2019.
with Pitkin Petroleum Peru Z-38 SRL in respect Chris Ong, CEO of Keppel O&M, said: “We
of Block Z-38 offshore Peru. Under the deed of are pleased to support Guyana with the second
settlement and release, without any admission SERVICES FPSO for the Liza field in the Stabroek block. The
of liability, Karoon has agreed to pay $9.6mn to delivery of Liza Unity reinforces Keppel O&M
Pitkin in full and final settlement of all claims DOF awarded new contracts as the world leader in the integration of FPSOs
of Pitkin and its associates in connection with and extends our track record of more than 120
Block Z-38. with Petrobras in Brazil FPSO projects.
On May 26, 2021, Karoon received a notice “Despite the operational challenges posed by
of dispute from Pitkin under the joint operating DOF’s Brazilian subsidiary Norskan has been COVID-19, we have been able to harness Keppel
agreement in respect of Block Z-38, offshore awarded a new long-term contract and extended O&M’s strengths across the group to deliver the
Peru. The notice of dispute alleged (amongst another one with Petrobras. Liza Unity to our customer’s satisfaction. This is
other things) that KEI Peru was in breach of its Skandi Botafogo, (AHTS 180 t BP) has been the 26th major project for SBM Offshore and is a
obligations to enter into the fourth exploration awarded a three-year contract with Petrobras to testament to the strong partnership that we have
phase of the Z-38 licence contract and to drill a operate as AHTS with startup in the fourth of forged over decades of collaboration since 1981,
second well within that licence area. quarter 2021 and 500 optional days to be mutu- when Keppel delivered the world’s first FPSO
Karoon Energy, September 16 2021 ally agreed. conversion to them.”
Skandi Amazonas, (AHTS 21,000) has been Keppel O&M’s scope of work included the
Ecopetrol reports on awarded a one-year extension on a contract with fabrication of several topside modules, the riser
Petrobras until September 2022.
balcony, the spread-mooring and the umbilical
fine imposed by ANLA very pleased to announce these contract awards integration of associated equipment and all top-
Mons S. Aase, CEO, DOF ASA said: “I am support structures, as well as the installation and
Ecopetrol reports that it was notified through which again confirm the DOF Group strong side modules onto the FPSO.
Resolution 01613 dated September 10, 2021, that position in Brazil. With the above contracts, the Keppel O&M has also commenced work on
the National Environmental Licensing Author- total order intake in Brazil represent a value of the third FPSO unit earmarked for Guyana, the
ity (ANLA), had fined Ecopetrol S.A. in the sum approximately NOK2.15bn [$$249.99mn] so far Prosperity FPSO. The vessel hull recently arrived
of COP3,667,409,150 ($926,794). in third quarter.” at Keppel O&M’s yard in Singapore and work
This sanction originated from works carried DOF, September 14 2021 onboard has commenced.
out in the CPO09 Exploratory Drilling Area pro-
ject located in the municipality of Acacías, Meta
Department, because ANLA considered that
a bridge was not contemplated in the environ-
mental license and that locations were built at a
shorter distance to the preservation areas of the
Caño Lejía and Caño NN water resources.
Ecopetrol, abides by and respects the deci-
sions of ANLA. However, the company’s actions
have always been framed in compliance with
current legal regulations, so it will make use of
the appropriate legal resources in order to obtain
the revocation of this decision.
Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colombia
and one of the main integrated energy compa-
nies in the American continent, with more than
17,000 employees. In Colombia, it accounts for
more than 60% of hydrocarbon production,
and most of the hydrocarbon transportation,
logistics, and refining systems, and has leading
positions in petrochemicals and gas distribution.
With the acquisition of 51.4% of ISA’s shares, it
Week 37 16•September•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P13