Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 12 2023
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                                                   (Image: Wintershall Dea)
       Pemex, Talos in deal

       for Zama development

       Mexico’s NOC touts a new arrangement designed to allow privately-owned

       US, German and UK partners the ability to collaborate in upstream decisions

                         MEXICO’S national oil company (NOC) Pemex   with the oil and gas extracted from the field to be
                         and US-based Talos Energy have finally reached   sent to a new onshore facility at the port of Dos
       WHAT:             agreement on the development of Zama, a mas-  Bocas in Tabasco State. According to Pemex,
       Pemex has submitted a   sive oilfield in the southern Gulf of Mexico.  Zama will eventually yield 180,000 barrels per
       new plan for working with   Under the deal finalised last week, Talos and   day (bpd) of oil, equivalent to about 10% of Mex-
       Talos and its other part-  its private-sector partners will have the oppor-  ico’s total crude production.
       ners to CNH for approval.  tunity to join Pemex in making operational   Regulatory approval for the field develop-
       WHY:              decisions at the field, which wrested operator-  ment plan (FDP) is one of the last steps before
                         ship away from the US firm via a unitisation
                                                              the companies involved in the project commit to
       Relationships between   plan imposed by the Mexican government. The   investment. The partners expect to make a final
       shareholders in the
       project have been tense   plan, which was submitted to Mexico’s National   investment decision (FID) within the next year,
       ever since Pemex was   Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) for   according to Wintershall.
       made operator.    approval on March 23, calls for creating an inte-
                         grated project team (IPT) consisting of Pemex,   Public statements
       WHAT NEXT:        Talos, Wintershall Dea (Germany) and Harbour   In statements announcing the deal on March 23,
       Talos may be worrying   Energy (UK). It states that all stakeholders will   the private shareholders in Zama struck upbeat
       about whether it will have   collaborate in shaping the development of the   notes on the latest developments.
       to explore new acreage   site, which holds around 800mn barrels of oil.  Stuart Wheaton, Harbour Energy’s execu-
       without compensation.  The Zama development plan envisions the   tive vice president for international business,
                         drilling of 46 wells from two offshore platforms,   expressed optimism about the new plan.

       P4                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 13   29•March•2023
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