Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 12 2023
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         He remarked: “We are delighted with the col-  US company. Indeed, Talos had filed a notice
                         laboration between our partners, which has   of intent in September 2021 to seek arbitration
                         enabled us to submit the unit development plan   over the decision, claiming it was a breach of the
                         for the Zama field on schedule. This marks an   US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) on
                         important milestone towards delivering safe and   free trade.
                         efficient first oil from the Zama field, which once   The US company had invested in Mexico
                         on stream will contribute significantly to both   after the previous presidential administration,
                         Harbour’s production and Mexico’s domestic   led by Enrique Pena Nieto, adopted energy
                         energy supply.”                      reforms that scaled back Pemex’s monopoly over
                           Hugo Dijkgraaf, the chief technology officer   the oil sector. It found oil at Zama, an offshore
                         of Wintershall Dea, added: “The establishment   field in Block 7, in 2017, and initially estimated
                         of the integrated project team brings many   the site’s reserves at 700mn barrels. This made it
                         advantages to this comprehensive world-class   the largest discovery made in Mexico in several
                         development project. It enables the targeted   decades.                    Talos and its
                         mobilisation of specific competencies from all   By contrast, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador,
                         participating companies, including from Win-  the current president, has been keen to help   partners have
                         tershall Dea. I am convinced this will have a sig-  Pemex recover its former dominance. He has   spent around
                         nificant impact on the quality of the project and   sought to reverse or freeze the energy reforms
                         the efficiency of its execution. I wish the entire   made by his predecessor in 2013-2014 that ena-  $350mn on
                         Zama team a successful start into this important   bled the Talos-led consortium to make the dis-
                         project phase.”                      covery in the first place.           Zama to date,
                           Meanwhile, Talos’ president and CEO Tim-
                         othy S. Duncan and described the new plan as   Reasons to be wary          while Pemex
                         “an important step in moving the Zama project   The US company does have reason to be wary, as   has yet to
                         forward.” He then went on to say: “The UDP   it and its partners have invested around $350mn
                         [unit development plan] provides an efficient   in the Zama project to date, while Pemex has yet   make any
                         development plan that we expect to advance this   to make any significant investments. The total
                         discovery to first production. Separately, the IPT   cost of developing the field is expected to reach   significant
                         provides important roles for each of the Zama   $4-5bn over the next 30 years.  investments
                         unit holders, a structure which we believe best   In the meantime, though, the scope of the
                         leverages the talents of each organisation and   project has changed. That is, Zama no longer
                         optimises project governance. We understand   consists solely of the areas explored by Talos but
                         the importance of this project to Mexico and   also of the acreage added to the site via the uni-
                         look forward to continuing our collaboration as   tisation deal. Thanks to the government’s deci-
                         we look towards formal approval and to advance   sion, the field now also includes Asab, Chamak
                         the project to FID.”                 and Naquita, three fields within Uchukil 0152,
                           Duncan spoke similarly in an interview with   an adjacent block originally assigned to Pemex.
                         Bloomberg on March 24, emphasising that   The NOC had not explored these sites by the
                         Talos, Wintershall and Harbour would be mak-  time unitisation was under discussion, and Talos
                         ing operating and drilling decisions together   cited Pemex’s slow pace as a reason why it ought
                         with Pemex. “We will have a hand in the design   to remain at the helm of the Zama project.
                         and execution of everything related to that   It may now be wondering, then, whether col-
                         development plan,” he said.          laborative decision-making will end up meaning
                                                              in practice that Pemex will expect it to expend
                         Consolation prize?                   time, money and effort in the exploration of this
                         The news agency commented, though, that the   section of the Gulf of Mexico, only to swoop in
                         deal might be seen as something of a consola-  afterwards and take the fruit of its labour for
                         tion prize for Talos. The new arrangement does   itself. Duncan is probably too diplomatic to raise
                         nothing to disrupt Pemex’s status as operator   such a possibility in public, but privately he may
                         of the field, which has been a sore point for the   be considering such a scenario. ™

                                           Zama was discovered within the Block licence area 7 in 2017 (Image: Wintershall Dea)

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