Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 12 2023
P. 6

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

       US to issue ultimatum as Mexican

       government reverses energy reform

                         THE administration of US President Joe Biden   The US could again seek a dispute settlement,
                         will issue an “act now or else” missive in the next   as afforded by USMCA.
                         few weeks to Mexico over the two countries’   Washington and Ottawa had already for-
                         energy trade dispute, according to sources cited   mally asked for settlement talks in July 2022, and
                         by Reuters.                          according to USMCA, could have demanded a
                           The US wants its southern neighbour to open   dispute settlement panel 75 days after that, given
                         its energy market to foreign companies and   that there was no resolution.
                         agree to more oversight.               Biden, who will most likely soon announce
                           For its part, the government of Mexican   a bid for re-election, needs Mexico’s help with
                         President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador is   immigration and drug trafficking issues, so will
                         reversing a previous administration’s opening   not want to anger the Mexican government
                         up of the country’s oil and other energy mar-  overly.
                         kets to private investment in 2013 and 2014. For   On March 10, the American Petroleum Insti-
                         example, in October of 2021, Lopez closed down   tute (API), National Association of Manufactur-
                         several private gasoline storage facilities owned   ers and American Clean Power Association sent
                         by US companies.                     a letter to the USTR’s Tai, calling for continued
                           Lopez, a leftist with a populist streak, became   action to hold Mexico accountable for its “dis-
                         president in 2018. Indeed, in recent years, US oil   criminatory energy policies” by using every tool
                         companies including Chevron and Marathon   available under USMCA.
                         Petroleum – as well as renewable energy com-  “The government of Mexico’s escalating
                         panies – have also faced difficulties obtaining   pursuit of discriminatory policies dramatically
                         permits to operate in Mexico.        favours Mexico’s state-run electrical utility and
                           The Biden administration accuses Lopez of   state-run oil and gas companies, hindering
                         giving preferential treatment to its state-owned   private sector investment, threatening compa-
                         oil company Pemex over foreign competitors.  nies in the United States and their workers, and
                           If an independent dispute settlement panel of   undermining North American energy integra-
                         the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA),   tion and our regional competitiveness vis-à-vis
                         which replaced the North American Free Trade   China and other rivals,” stated the letter.
                         Agreement (NAFTA), were to rule in the US’s   The letter continued: “In our view, the gov-
                         favour, billions of dollars in retaliatory tariffs   ernment of Mexico has not engaged construc-
                         could be imposed on Mexico by Washington   tively in the consultation process with the
                         and Ottawa.                          United States, nor has Mexico taken meaningful
                           The US is Mexico’s largest oil supplier, while   steps to address the issues raised by the United
                         Mexico is the second-largest exporter to the US   States. As such, our organisations respectfully
                         after Canada. In 2021, the US imported 710,000     urge that the Biden administration continue to
                         barrels per day (bpd) from Mexico and exported   hold Mexico accountable by using every tool
                         1.16mn bpd, according to the US Energy Infor-  available to enforce the USMCA.” ™
                         mation Administration (EIA).
                           According to Reuters’ sources, the Office of
                         the United States Trade Representative (USTR)
                         will make a “final offer” in the coming weeks to
                         Mexico’s negotiators to open its markets and
                         agree to some increased oversight.
                           On March 23, the US Trade Representa-
                         tive, Katherine Tai, was asked about the issue
                         during hearings in front of the Senate Finance
                           “We are engaging with Mexico on specific
                         and concrete steps that Mexico must take to
                         address the concerns set out in our consultations
                         request. This is still very much a live issue,” she
                         said. “We know that all the tools in the USMCA
                         are there for a reason.” She then told a House
                         committee the next day that the Biden admin-
                         istration had asked for “specific and concrete
                         steps” from Mexico in the matter,             USTR Katherine Tai, shown in 2021 (Photo: Twitter/@AmbassadorTai)

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