Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 12 2023
P. 7

LatAmOil                                         MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

                                                              Rendering of Saguaro LNG plant (Image: Mexico Pacific)

       Shell signs third supply deal with

       MPL for LNG from Saguaro Energia

                         SHELL Eastern Trading, a subsidiary of Shell   final investment decision (FID) on the first two
                         (UK), has signed a 20-year LNG supply contract   trains, we are also closing out contracting across
                         with Mexico Pacific Ltd (MPL), the developer of   the significant commercial momentum in place
                         the Saguaro Energia export project.  for Train 3 to ensure that a subsequent Train 3
                           Under the agreement, Shell Eastern Trad-  FID can follow as quickly as possible.”
                         ing will purchase 1.1mn tonnes per year (tpy)   Chuck Davidson, MPL’s chairman and a
                         of LNG from the third train of MPL’s anchor   partner at Quantum Energy Partners, spoke
                         facility, Saguaro Energia, which is slated for   similarly: “Mexico Pacific is uniquely facilitat-
                         construction in Puerto Libertad in the state of   ing the connection of low-cost Permian Basin
                         Sonora. It will buy these volumes from a unit of   gas with the lower-carbon fuel needs of Asia
                         MPL on a free on board (FOB) basis, according   to deliver de-risked and affordable new LNG
                         to a company statement dated March 27.  supply, resulting in additional energy security
                           This is the third time the two firms have   for the region,” he commented. “We are pleased
                         signed a deal, MPL noted. Last July, the parties   to have the ongoing support of Shell, one of the
                         concluded two 20-year agreements for the deliv-  largest market participants, to underpin invest-
                         ery of 2.6mn tpy of LNG from each of the first   ment in critically needed new supply.”
                         two trains of the natural gas liquefaction plant.  For his part, Steve Hill, executive VP of
                           According to previous reports, the Saguaro   energy marketing at Shell, remarked: “LNG is
                         Energia plant will begin operating in 2026 and   an increasingly important pillar of global energy
                         will process gas piped from Permian basin fields   security. Investment in liquefaction projects is
                         in the US states of Texas and New Mexico across   needed to avoid a supply-demand gap that is
                         the border into Mexico. It will eventually have   expected to emerge in the late 2020s. We are
                         three production trains of 4.7mn tpy each, giv-  pleased to be working with Mexico Pacific to
                         ing it a total production capacity of 14.1mn tpy.  provide more LNG to the global market.”
                           Ivan Van der Walt, CEO of MPL, said: “We   MPL has already signed separate binding
                         are delighted Shell has chosen to grow with us,   off-take agreements for 8mn tpy of LNG with
                         building upon their initial 2.6mn tpy commit-  several other clients. One of these is Guangzhou
                         ment from Train 1 and Train 2 to also underpin   Development Natural Gas Trading, a subsidi-
                         more than 20% of Train 3 capacity. Our project   ary of China’s Guangzhou Development Group
                         will provide Asia with low-cost Permian gas,   (GDG). The Chinese firm signed a 20-year deal
                         avoiding the Panama Canal to ensure a shorter   for 2mn tpy in April 2022. Another is ExxonMo-
                         shipping distance to Asia, to achieve lower   bil LNG Asia Pacific, a unit of ExxonMobil (US),
                         transportation emissions and landed pricing   which will purchase 2mn tpy on an FOB basis
                         vs. the US Gulf Coast. As we work to deliver a   from the first two trains of Saguaro Energia. ™

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