Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 12 2023
P. 12

LatAmOil                                  FALKLAND ISLANDS                                          LatAmOil

       Rockhopper says Navitas may

       make FID on Sea Lion in 2024

                         ROCKHOPPER (UK), a partner in the Sea Lion   gain Premier’s operatorship of Sea Lion.
                         project offshore the Falkland Islands, confirmed   The development plan that Navitas drew up
                         last week that a final investment decision (FID)   after the merger consists of a staged approach.
                         may be reached in 2024. The company made   Rockhopper has concluded that this repre-
                         an announcement to this effect after Navitas   sents a material reduction in both upfront and
                         Petroleum (Israel), the operator of the project,   life-of-field costs compared to previous plans.
                         presented an updated version of its project   It maps out the drilling of 18 new wells during
                         development plan.                    the first phase, with 11 of these coming before
                           Having discovered the Sea Lion field within   first oil. Meanwhile, an additional five wells will
                         Block PL032 in 2010, Rockhopper revealed last   be drilled in the second phase, within about 42
                         year that it had decided to work alongside Navi-  months of first oil.
                         tas in the North Falkland basin. It agreed to sign   “Having successfully re-defined the project,
                         a deal giving Navitas a 65% stake in its portfo-  work will now focus on refining the financing
                         lio and operatorship of the relevant assets and   plan with a view to reaching FID during 2024,”
                         which allowed it to retain a 35% stake.  Rockhopper said. “In the meantime, technical
                           Subsequently, the companies agreed to work   work streams continue to further refine the pro-
                         together to develop a technical plan under   ject, with Navitas focused on driving further
                         which Navitas Petroleum would farm into the   project optimisations.”
                         Sea Lion project with the goal of extracting oil at   According to Navitas’ Sea Lion Phase 1 and 2
                         a lower cost and on an expedited basis. Accord-  Development outline, a total of 23 wells will be
                         ingly, Navitas acquired Premier Oil (UK) from   drilled during the life of the project, which will
                         Harbour Energy (UK), a company established   involve the extraction of 269mn barrels of oil.
                         through Premier’s merger with another share-  Production costs are expected to average $27.60
                         holder, Chrysaor Holdings. That allowed it to   per barrel during the project’s lifetime. ™

       Excelsior FSRU will interrupt German

       charter for seasonal service in Argentina

                         EXCELERATE Energy has confirmed that its
                         floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU)
                         Excelsior will serve as an LNG import facility on
                         a seasonal basis at the Bahia Blanca terminal in
                         Argentina before heading to Germany later this
                         year to start a five-year contract.
                           In its 2022 result report, published on March
                         27, the US-based company said it had signed
                         a five-year charter agreement for the 138,000-
                         cubic metre vessel in October 2022. Under that
                         agreement, the Excelsior will serve as the second
                         FSRU-based facility that E.ON of Germany, Tree
                         Energy Solutions (TES) of Belgium and Engie of   The Excelsior FSRU will be in Argentina for the summer (Photo: Excelerate Energy)
                         France are developing in Wilhelmshaven.
                           The charter hire for the FSRU began in   Argentina before returning to Germany in the
                         February of this year. However, the vessel will   third quarter of 2023.
                         temporarily provide seasonal regasification   Excelerate won a seasonal charter contract
                         service at the Bahia Blanca GasPort terminal in   earlier this month.

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