Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 12 2023
P. 17

LatAmOil                      NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                        LatAmOil

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome  to  NewsBase’s  Roundup  Global  from September 2026 to September 2042, See-
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  News reported. The value of the contract is based
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  on the transport tariffs applicable at the current
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  date, the agency said, referring to OMV Petrom’s
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  stock exchange statement.
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline
                         link for each section the full text will be available  FSU OGM: Russia eyes hike in domestic
                         as before.                           gas tariffs to offset lost revenues
                                                              Russia’s State Duma has proposed revising
                         AfrOil: DRC licensing round attracts   domestic tariffs for gas use to offset the losses
                         green investor                       Gazprom has sustained from losing much of
                         An unconventional candidate has entered the  its gas market share in Europe. Gazprom typi-
                         onshore bidding round launched last July by the  cally earns several times more on the European
                         Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – EQX  market than it does domestically, and the loss
                         Biome, a US-based investment firm that focuses  of much of that market can be compensated by
                         on preserving biodiversity. The fund has submit-  increased domestic tariffs, the Duma’s energy
                         ted offers for all 27 of the potentially oil-bearing  committee has said, according to Russian media.
                         blocks included in the licensing round.
                                                              GLNG: ExxonMobil considers resuming,
                         AsianOil: Putin says Russia ready to   expanding Rovuma LNG
                         increase oil and gas supplies to China  ExxonMobil is contemplating restarting the
                         Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia  Rovuma LNG project in Mozambique’s restive
                         was ready to increase oil supplies to China, its key  northern Cabo Delgado province. The company
                         energy partner, following a meeting with Chi-  has called for expressions of interest (EoIs) to
                         nese President Xi Jinping in Moscow on March  design and construct the LNG plant in a state-
                         20-21. “Russia is prepared to increase uninter-  ment published in the Mozambican newspaper
                         rupted oil supplies to support development of  O Pais on March 17.
                         the Chinese economy,” Putin said after meeting
                         Chinese President Xi Jinping in Moscow.  MEOG: Maha in Oman production test
                                                              Swedish explorer Maha Energy has announced
                         DMEA: Final train launched at South   the start of production testing at Block 70
                         Pars Phase 14 gas-processing plant   onshore Oman as part of an eight-well drilling
                         Iranian media have reported that the fourth and  campaign. In a press release, the company said
                         final train at the South Pars Phase 14 refinery is  it had started with the Mafraq-9 well, with new
                         on stream. Deputy Minister of Petroleum and  wells to be added to the test system every two
                         National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC) CEO Mohsen  weeks following its completion with PCP pumps.
                         Khojastehmehr announced the initial launch
                         of the plant in March 2022, upon receiving raw  NorthAmOil: US becomes third-largest
                         sour gas from the offshore field.    LNG exporter
                                                              The first wave of US LNG export capacity is
                         EurOil: Romanian companies prepare   not yet fully online, but the country has already
                         for Neptun Deep gas, plan new pipeline  become the world’s third-largest exporter of the
                         Romania’s OMV Petrom and Romgaz have  fuel. According to the US Department of Ener-
                         signed a €276mn natural gas delivery contract  gy’s (DoE) Office of Fossil Energy, exports of US
                         with the country’s national gas transmission  LNG hit a new record high of 4.7bn cubic feet
                         company, Transgaz, covering a 16-year period,  (133mn cubic metres) per day in May. ™

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       Week 13   29•March•2023                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P17
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