Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 12 2023
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       This result, achieved for the first time, marks
       the recognition of the effectiveness of Petrobras’
       policies and initiatives to unfold its sustainability
       commitments to the market that supplies goods
       and services.
         Petrobras has joined the CDP Supply Chain
       programme, encouraging suppliers to map their
       emissions and give transparency to their initia-
       tives and practices related to governance, energy
       efficiency and emissions reduction, among oth-
       ers related to the environment, climate change
       and energy transition.
         This is another recognition of Petrobras’
       efforts and initiatives in the ESG (Environmen-
       tal, Social and Governance) aspects, which is
       added to the A- classification in the themes of
       Climate and Water Security received by the CDP
       in recognition of the good practices carried out,
       according to the released disclosed on December  and leverages McDermott’s key engineering,  client, ExxonMobil Guyana.
       14, 2022.                           procurement, construction and installation   SBM Offshore, 24 March 2023
         These classifications mean that Petrobras is  capabilities.
       recognised as a leader, a category that is reserved   “The award of this next phase of the Mana-  Enauta starts production
       only for a select group of companies that demon-  tee project builds on the portfolio of projects
       strate best practices in addressing environmental  that McDermott’s Subsea and Floating Facil-  from new well at Atlanta
       issues.                             ities business line is executing for Shell,” said
         The company remains committed to accel-  Mahesh Swaminathan, McDermott’s Senior   field in Santos basin
       erating the decarbonisation of its processes  Vice President, Subsea and Floating Facilities.
       and products and is committed to always act-  “McDermott’s comprehensive engineering  Enauta has successfully concluded the inter-
       ing ethically and transparently, with safety in  design expertise and unique fabrication capa-  connection of the new well in the Atlanta Field,
       its operations and respect for people and the  bilities equip us to perform the required FEED  7-ATL-5H-RJS (5H) to the FPSO Petrojarl
       environment, delivering sustainable results for  work in-house, reduce costs, ensure quality and  I. The well is still in the production ramp-up
       a society in transition.            maximise time efficiencies.”         phase, which should end by the end of this
         About CDP: Based in London, the CDP is a   The Manatee field is located offshore Trin-  week. The current production is of 9,700 barrels
       global reference for investors in providing qual-  idad and Tobago in water depths of approxi-  per day (bpd). This is the first well of the drill-
       ity information on risks and opportunities asso-  mately 91 metres (299 feet). The field represents  ing campaign of three new wells that started in
       ciated with reducing greenhouse gas, climate,  one of the country’s largest natural gas reserves  November 2022. The other wells will be ready
       water safety and forest management emissions.  discovered to date and will help bolster the coun-  throughout 2023 and will wait to be connected
       Currently, the CDP is used by more than 680  try’s gas supply.           to the FPSO Atlanta in the Full Development
       investors, whose assets total more than $130   Engineering and execution planning efforts  System (FDS).
       trillion.                           will be led by McDermott’s team in Houston   Currently, the daily production at Atlanta
       Petrobras, 27 March 2023            with support from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia;  Field is approximately 16,100 bpd.
                                           Chennai, India; and Altamira, Mexico.  In order to maximise the Field’s production
                                           McDermott, 28 March 2023             potential, Enauta concentrated its resources for
       PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                                     the entry into operation of the 5H well. There-
                                                                                fore, the installation of the new pump on the well
       McDermott awarded                   FPSO ONE Guyana                      7-ATL-2HP-RJS and consequently the resump-
                                           enters drydock
                                                                                tion of its production is currently planned for
       FEED contract by Shell              The FPSO ONE Guyana project has passed   April.
                                                                                  Additionally, Enauta’s operational area is
       for Manatee gas project             another major milestone: The vessel has suc-  evaluating, for the second quarter, a preventive
                                           cessfully entered drydock at the Keppel yard in  stoppage in the process plant of this unit, with a
       McDermott has been awarded a front-end  Singapore. The project team will continue con-  consequent temporary interruption of produc-
       engineering design (FEED) contract from Shell  struction with next steps being installation of the  tion, for maintenance and anticipation of part of
       Trinidad and Tobago for the Manatee gas devel-  mooring structures and riser balcony. The top-  the preventive maintenance services currently
       opment project as part of a competitive FEED  sides construction is progressing as per project  planned to occur in August.
       process. Under the contract scope, McDermott  schedule. The FPSO is being constructed for our   Enauta will keep the market informed of rel-
       will provide comprehensive FEED services for a  client ExxonMobil Guyana and will join three  evant events related to the matter.
       wellhead platform, export pipeline system, shore  other SBM Offshore-constructed FPSOs, Liza   Located in the Santos Basin, the Atlanta Field
       approach, midstream pipeline and onshore con-  Destiny and Liza Unity, in Guyanese waters as  is operated by Enauta Energia, a wholly-owned
       trol room.                          well as Prosperity, currently in transit to Guyana.  subsidiary of the Company, which owns 100%
         This award follows the successful comple-  ONE Guyana is the latest FPSO under con-  of this asset.
       tion of an early contract engagement with Shell  struction by SBM Offshore and partners for our   Enauta, 27 March 2023

       P16                                     www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 13   29•March•2023
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