Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 12 2023
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                entity. Pursuant to the agreement, we agreed to
                                                                                swap our operated 100% working interests in
                                                                                the Fyzabad, San Francique and Barrackpore
                                                                                producing blocks for the counterparty’s working
                                                                                interest in the Rio Claro, Balata East and Balata
                                                                                East Deep Horizons blocks for no cash consider-
                                                                                ation with the asset exchange becoming effective
                                                                                upon closing. The agreement remains subject to
                                                                                certain closing conditions, including receipt of
                                                                                applicable regulatory approvals and an extension
                                                                                of the Rio Claro licence.
                                                                                Touchstone Exploration, 24 March 2023

                                                                                Sembcorp Marine

                                                                                issues update on

       Recognised a net loss of $1.921mn ($0.01 per  2022 following receipt of all required regulatory   Brazil investigation
       basic share) in the quarter compared to net earn-  approvals.
       ings of $6.514mn ($0.03 per basic and diluted   Formally executed an extension of the explo-  Sembcorp Marine Ltd refers to the announce-
       share) reported in the same period of 2021, prin-  ration period of the Ortoire licence to July 31,  ment it made on March 24, 2023, and would like
       cipally driven by $6.323mn of impairment rever-  2026, allowing us to continue exploration activi-  to update that it has clarified with the Comp-
       sals (net of tax) recorded on December 31, 2021.  ties on acreage that have not been deemed com-  troller General of the Union (CGU) that the
         Following the December Canadian and UK  mercial. The gross 1,317-acre Coho area and the  preliminary administrative proceedings for
       private placements that raised net proceeds of  gross 2,377-acre Cascadura area were previously  investigations commenced by CGU against its
       $12.269mn, we exited the quarter with a cash  approved for commercial development in Feb-  Brazilian subsidiary Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz
       balance of $16.335mn, a working capital surplus  ruary 2021 and March 2022, respectively.  (EJA). The proceedings relate generally to past
       of $4.992mn and a principal balance of $27mn   Responsible operations remained a top prior-  conduct investigated by the Brazilian author-
       remaining on our term credit facility, resulting  ity throughout 2022, as Touchstone had no lost  ities in connection with Operation Car Wash,
       in a net debt position of $16.008mn.  time injuries and released its second sustainabil-  of which the Company has previously made
         Annual 2022 Financial and Operating High-  ity report encompassing the 2021 year. We pro-  announcements, the latest being the Circular to
       lights: Commissioned and delivered natural  actively responded to the June 2022 vandalism  shareholders dated January 31, 2023.
       gas from the Coho facility on October 10, 2022,  incident that resulted in a crude oil spill and are   Further, the CGU has not brought any civil
       representing the first onshore natural gas field to  pleased to report that all reclamation efforts were  or administrative charges against the Company
       come onstream in Trinidad in 20 years.  completed in September 2022.     or its subsidiaries. The Company will con-
         Reported average daily production volumes   Post Period-End Highlights: Net average nat-  tinue to cooperate and work with the Brazilian
       of 1,581 boepd, reflecting an 18% increase from  ural gas volumes from Coho-1 were 900 boepd  authorities.
       2021. Relative to 2021, the 2022 annual increase  and 864 boepd in January 2023 and February   The Company will continue to monitor
       was attributed to incremental natural gas pro-  2023, respectively.      developments in Brazil with respect to the above
       duction from the Coho-1 well, as average 2022   Daily crude oil sales averaged 1,286 bpd in  and will make appropriate announcements in
       crude oil and liquids production were consistent  January 2023 with a realised price of $66.48 per  the event of any material developments.
       with 2021 levels.                   barrel and averaged 1,341 bpd in February 2023   Sembcorp Marine, 29 March 2023
         Generated funds flow from operations of  with a realised price of $67.14 per barrel.
       $3.54mn (2021: $4.172mn) and an annual oper-  National Gas Co. of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd   Petrobras comments on
       ating netback of $19.281mn or $33.42 per boe  (NGC) notified us that they expect to be ready
       (2021: $13.031mn and $26.55 per boe).  to receive first natural gas from the Cascadura   supplier engagement in
         Recognised a net loss of $3.197mn ($0.01  facility on or about June 30, 2023. We remain on
       per basic share) compared to net earnings of  track to complete the Cascadura facility prior to   sustainable practices
       $5.719mn ($0.03 per basic and diluted share)  this date to ensure production can commence
       in 2021, primarily attributed to $6.323mn in  as soon as NGC is in a position to receive first  Petrobras informs that it was recognised as one
       impairment reversals (net of tax) recognised  natural gas.               of the leading companies in supplier engagement
       in the prior year based on increased forecasted   We safely reached budgeted total depth of our  by the international organisation CDP, formerly
       crude oil pricing.                  Royston-1X sidetrack well on the Ortoire block  known as the Carbon Disclosure Project, a ref-
         We executed an incident-free $11.33mn  on February 24, 2023. The well has been cased,  erence in sustainability. The A- rating, referring
       capital programme, primarily focused on com-  and we expect to commence production testing  to the 2022 cycle, was achieved in the Supplier
       pleting the Coho natural gas facility and pro-  in late March 2023.      Engagement Rating (SER) aspect, a global index
       gressing construction of the Cascadura natural   In January 2023, we entered into an asset  that evaluates the incentive of good environ-
       gas and liquids facility. Cascadura facility con-  exchange agreement for certain onshore Trin-  mental practices and efforts to mitigate climate
       struction operations commenced in October  idad assets with a privately held Trinidadian  change along the supply chain.

       Week 13   29•March•2023                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P15
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