Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 12 2023
P. 13

LatAmOil                                      ARGENTINA                                            LatAmOil

                         Under that seasonal contract, it will deliver   second vessel is a 150,900-cubic metre ship
                         regasified LNG during the winter season, which   known as the Exemplar. It is currently anchored
                         runs from June to August, in Argentina. As such,   at the Inkoo terminal in Finland under a charter
                         the German charter will be suspended tem-  with the state-owned natural gas transmission
                         porarily while the FSRU is deployed to Bahia   grid operator, Gasgrid.
                         Blanca. After Argentina’s winter season, the   Argentina is a gas producer, but it relies on
                         Excelsior will resume its original charter with   imports – LNG cargoes delivered by sea, as well
                         the German government.               as overland pipeline shipments from Bolivia –
                           As of press time, the terms of the contract   to cover domestic demand. In the long term, it
                         had not been made public.            has aspirations of becoming a net exporter. This
                           According to automatic identification system   goal hinges on attracting more investment to
                         (AIS) data, the Excelsior was sailing offshore   the Vaca Muerta shale formation, which con-
                         Cadiz, Spain as of March 28.         tains large amounts of unconventional gas, and
                           Excelerate will have two of the FSRUs in its   to the infrastructure projects needed to connect
                         10-unit fleet deployed in Europe this year. The   upstream assets to the South Atlantic coast. ™

       Energy minister urges Ecuador to cut oil

       production target by 40,000 bpd in 2023

                         ECUADOR’S Energy Minister Fernando San-  offshore platform at the Amistad field, further
                         tos has said that the country ought to reduce its   affecting production.
                         crude oil production target by 40,000 barrels   Some of the protests are being carried out
                         per day (bpd), or about 8%, due to protests, civil   by indigenous communities living near Blocks
                         unrest, natural disasters and other disruptions.  16-67, 43-ITT, and 61. Members of these com-
                           Santos told reporters last week that Ecuador   munities in Orellana Province have staged a
                         should bring its production target down from   number of demonstrations in recent months,
                         the original goal of 520,000 bpd included in the   and these events have “impeded the normal
                         2023 budget. The country has not achieved that   functioning of hydrocarbon activities, drasti-
                         level since the start of the year, even though the   cally affecting production [and] state income
                         first quarter is nearly over, he stated. “We have   and above all putting personnel at risk,” Petro-
                         been at 480,000 [bpd], without taking into   ecuador said in a statement. The NOC has
                         account the events, the natural disasters and   requested help from the armed forces to protect
                         social problems,” he commented.      its installations, and the government is evaluat-
                           Under the circumstances, he remarked, the   ing potential threats.
                         country needs to be realistic and cut its output   Last year, Petroecuador lost nearly 2mn bar-
                         target back to around 480,000-490,000 bpd for   rels of oil production after more than two weeks
                         this year.                           of sustained protests by indigenous groups. ™
                           The minister was speaking to reporters fol-
                         lowing the national oil company (NOC) Petro-
                         ecuador’s declaration of force majeure at three
                         oil-bearing sites on March 21, bringing the total
                         number of blocks where operations have been
                         halted up to four. The sites that are now offline
                         or working below capacity include Blocks 12,
                         16-67, 43-ITT and 61. Block 12 usually yields
                         around 29,200 bpd of oil but is now idle; the
                         other three saw output drop from 142,000 bpd
                         on March 19 to 122,500 bpd on March 20.
                           As of March 20, Petroecuador was extracting
                         just 362,000 bpd of oil.
                           The NOC took this step a few days after
                         members of indigenous communities began
                         staging protests, alleging that Petroecuador had
                         not fulfilled pledges to provide economic aid
                         and basic services. The demonstrations were
                         quickly followed by an earthquake that hit an     Santos, shown on March 21 (Photo: Twitter/@RecNaturalesEC)

       Week 13   29•March•2023                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P13
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