Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 12 2023
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                           statements in the public media about a possi-  published in the media, informs that no deci-
       PIPELINES & TRANSPORT               ble acquisition by Ecopetrol of the company  sion has been made by the Executive Board or
                                           Monómeros Colombo Venezolanos, Ecopetrol  the Board of Directors in relation to the Braskem
       Petrobras provides                  warns the public that, within the framework of  divestment process.
                                                                                  Petrobras clarifies that all actions related to its
                                           its 2040 strategy and business plan announced
       update on Route 3                   to the market, it is not advancing in discussions  participation in Braskem require careful analy-
                                           regarding possible transactions involving this  sis from a portfolio management perspective
       Integrated Project                  company.                             and should be conducted in compliance with
                                                                                applicable governance practices and internal
                                           Ecopetrol, 24 March 2023
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed                         procedures.
       on September 23, 2022, informs that it has   Ecopetrol obtains             The Company reiterates its commitment to
       signed a contract with the company Toyo Setal                            the broad transparency of its divestment pro-
       Empreendimentos to conclude the works on   authorisation to              cesses and portfolio management and that mate-
       the Natural Gas Processing Unit (UPGN) of the                            rial facts will be timely disclosed to the market.
       Itaboraí GasLub Cluster, which had been halted   borrow 1 trillion       Petrobras, 24 March 2023
       since June 2022.
         With the resumption of the UPGN works,   pesos from local bank
       the forecast for the start of gas processing oper-                       PERFORMANCE
       ations in the GasLub Cluster is maintained to  Ecopetrol informs that, as part of its integral debt
       occur in 2024, in accordance with the Strategic  management strategy and the refinancing of the   Touchstone Exploration
       Plan 2023-2027. The other units required to  debt maturing on 2023, through Resolution 0655
       start these operations, such as the auxiliary units  of March 16, 2023, it received the authorisation   announces 2022 financial
       located at the GasLub Cluster, and the subsea  of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit to
       and onshore pipelines, have already completed  enter into a one trillion Colombian pesos (COP)   and operating results
       their scope, and are in the final commissioning  committed line of credit with Bancolombia.
       or pre-operation phase.                The authorised line of credit will have a term  Touchstone Exploration has reported its operat-
         The Integrated Route 3 Project, of which the  of five (5) years from the date of the first dis-  ing and financial results for the three months and
       UPGN is a part, is strategic for Petrobras and for  bursement, capital repayment at maturity, a var-  year ended December 31, 2022.
       the country as it will enable the flow and pro-  iable interest rate previously agreed between the   Q4 2022 Financial and Operating Highlights:
       cessing of up to 21mn cubic metres per day of  parties and an availability period until Decem-  Achieved initial natural gas production from our
       natural gas produced in the Santos Basin pre-salt  ber 16, 2024. The resources will be entirely used  Coho-1 well, which produced average net vol-
       area and increase the supply of natural gas to the  to pay commitments derived from existing  umes of 5.729 mcf per day (955 boepd) in the
       Brazilian market, reducing dependence on LNG  credit obligations of Ecopetrol.  quarter and contributed $1.114mn of net natural
       imports.                               To obtain the committed facility, Ecopet-  gas sales.
       Petrobras, 24 March 2023            rol complied with all the required internal and   Produced quarterly average volumes of 2,229
                                           external procedures and approvals. The condi-  boepd, a 67% increase relative to the 1,336 boepd
                                           tions obtained ratify the confidence of the finan-  produced in the prior year equivalent quarter.
       INVESTMENT                          cial sector in the Company and its proactive   Realised petroleum and natural gas sales of
                                           management of the 2023 debt maturities.  $9.919mn compared to $8.212mn in the equiv-
       Ecopetrol comments                  Ecopetrol, 17 March 2023             alent quarter of the prior year, reflecting natu-
                                                                                ral gas sales from Coho and a 12% increase in
       on media reports about              Petrobras says no                    average crude oil pricing in the fourth quarter
                                                                                of 2022.
       possible Venezuelan                 decision made on                     , representing a 17% increase from the prior year
                                                                                  Generated an operating netback of $4.319mn
       acquisition                         Braskem divestment                   equivalent quarter. Operating netbacks were
                                                                                $21.05 per boe, a 30% decrease from the $29.96
       Ecopetrol informs that, with regards to  Petrobras, regarding the  pieces of news  per boe reported in the fourth quarter of 2021,
                                                                                attributed to natural gas volumes brought online
                                                                                in the quarter.
                                                                                  Recognised current income tax expenses of
                                                                                $1.092mn in the quarter compared to $208,000
                                                                                in the fourth quarter of 2021, driven by $979,000
                                                                                in supplemental petroleum tax expenses based
                                                                                on our average realised crude oil price exceeding
                                                                                the $75.00 per barrel threshold in the period.
                                                                                  Reported funds flow from operations of
                                                                                $691,000 in the quarter compared to $1.309mn
                                                                                in the prior year equivalent quarter, as a $637,000
                                                                                increase in operating netbacks was offset by
                                                                                increased general and administration, term loan
                                                                                interest and current income tax expenses.

       P14                                     www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 13   29•March•2023
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