Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 32
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Canada preps for hydrogen push

       Canada is in the process of developing a national hydrogen strategy, and as with oil,

       Alberta hopes to lead the way

        CANADA           CANADA is on the path to adopting a national  production costs have fallen by 50% since 2015
                         hydrogen strategy, with the federal government  and could be reduced by a further 30% by 2025.
       WHAT:             indicating in June that it could be unveiled by   In the meantime, though, the majority of the
       A national hydrogen   the end of this summer. In tandem, the govern-  world’s hydrogen output – recently estimated at
       strategy is being   ment of Alberta is developing its own hydrogen  76% – is produced from natural gas via steam
       developed by the   strategy, and hopes that the province will lead the  reforming and known as grey hydrogen. Around
       Canadian government   national hydrogen push, as it already does with  23% has been estimated to come from coal. This
       and could be unveiled   oil production.                is known as black hydrogen and is currently the
       this summer.        By pursuing the development of a national  most cost-effective production method.
                         hydrogen strategy, Canada is following in the   Rather than being a source of energy, hydro-
       WHY:              footsteps of a number of other countries that  gen is a carrier of energy, and can be used in fuel
       Blue and green hydrogen   have adopted a plan for the gas. Most recently,  cells to generate electricity, or power and heat.
       are expected to play an   Germany adopted a national hydrogen strategy  Its use is increasingly being touted as a critical
       important role in the   in June. On the international level, the European  component of the energy transition, alongside
       energy transition and   Union followed suit with a hydrogen strategy for  a variety of other industries and technologies
       a number of countries   the whole bloc in July.        aimed at decarbonisation.
       have started adopting                                    It is specifically blue and green hydrogen that
       hydrogen strategies.  Clean hydrogen                   Canada will seek to advance through its new
                         Such strategies centre on the use of clean hydro-  strategy.
       WHAT NEXT:        gen – known as blue and green hydrogen. Blue   “We are seeking to identify opportunities for
       Alberta hopes to lead   hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels in con-  clean hydrogen production and optimal end-
       the way in Canada’s   junction with carbon capture and storage (CCS),  use across the economy, in the short, medium,
       hydrogen push, as it does   which allow carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to  and longer term, while also identifying export
       with oil.         be captured during the production of the fossil  market growth potential for Canadian clean
                         fuels and sequestered. Hydrogen can also be  hydrogen, as well as hydrogen and fuel-cell tech-
                         produced from electricity and water using elec-  nologies and services,” Natural Resources Can-
                         trolysis, and when the electricity used comes  ada – a government department – stated in June.
                         from renewable sources, this is known as green
                         hydrogen.                            National, provincial strategies
                           However, green hydrogen is not yet cost-com-  Few details of Ottawa’s progress on developing
                         petitive, though this is changing as renewa-  the strategy have emerged as yet, but Natural
                         ble energy costs tumble. Indeed, consultancy  Resources Canada has said it is working with
                         IHS Markit has estimated that green hydrogen  a wide variety of players, including provincial

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