Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 32
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  A sixth train and a third
                                                                                                  marine berth are being
                                                                                                  added at Cheniere’s
                                                                                                  Sabine Pass terminal.

                         Commission (SEC) showed that it collected  with the expansion of its LNG infrastructure.
                         $708mn worth of fees related to these cargoes in  The company said in its second-quarter results
                         the second quarter.                  that it now planned to place the sixth liquefac-
                           US cargoes are particularly vulnerable to can-  tion train at its Sabine Pass terminal into ser-
                         cellation because of the nature of most offtake  vice sooner than previously expected, in the
                         contracts for LNG from US terminals, which  second half of 2022 rather than the first quarter
                         typically have greater flexibility built in than  of 2023. Construction on Train 6 is now 63.9%
                         agreements with other LNG producers else-  complete.
                         where in the world. Buyers that cancel cargoes   Meanwhile, the third train at Cheniere’s
                         from US terminals generally only have to pay the  Corpus Christi LNG facility in Texas is 90.3%
                         tolling fee, whereas contracts with exporters in  complete and undergoing commissioning, with
                         Australia or Qatar typically involve take-or-pay  start-up anticipated in the first half of 2021.
                         clauses.                              Cheniere is also adding a third marine berth
                           This worked in Cheniere’s favour to help boost  and supporting infrastructure at Sabine Pass in
                         its second-quarter earnings, with the company  order to accommodate rising exports from the
                         reporting a profit of $0.78 per share, while ana-  plant, which is located on the Louisiana Gulf
                         lysts on average had been expecting $0.58 per  Coast. Last week, Great Lakes Dredge & Dock
                         share, according to IBES Refinitiv data cited by  announced that it had signed a contract with
                         Reuters.                             Bechtel, Cheniere’s engineering, procurement
                                                              and construction (EPC) contractor for Train 6
                         Bouncing back                        and the third berth expansion at the terminal, for
                         Now, US LNG exports are being forecast to rise  dredging work related to the third berth project.   A comparison
                         again, though some cancellations will continue  Dredging work will begin in the third quarter of
                         and more than 100 cargoes have been cancelled  this year.                   with the first
                         this year to date, according to the latest media   Cheniere did not report any progress on the   quarter also
                         reports. The recovery is being bolstered by the  proposed Stage 3 expansion at Corpus Christi
                         gradual easing of lockdowns globally as many  LNG, which would involve the addition of up   illustrates how
                         countries adopt a more localised approach to  to seven mid-scale trains at the plant – a dif-
                         battling coronavirus COVID-19 outbreaks.  ferent model from the first three 5mn tonne  challenging the
                         And significantly, China has resumed importing  per year (tpy) trains at the terminal. However,
                         US LNG after a lull as a result of the trade war  the company said in its earnings release that it   second quarter
                         between the two countries – though there have  continued to work on the Stage 3 expansion, and   has been.
                         been warnings that Chinese demand alone will  that proceeding to construction depended on a
                         not be enough to absorb the growing volumes of  number of factors. These include finalising EPC
                         US LNG. (See GLNG Week 30)           and additional commercial agreements, as well
                           The latest data reported by Reuters on August  as obtaining sufficient financing.
                         6 showed that pipeline gas volumes flowing to   Progress on Cheniere’s new capacity comes
                         LNG plants in August to date had risen to 3.9bn  amid concern that oversupply in the global LNG
                         cubic feet (110mn cubic metres) per day from  market will last for some time yet. However, this
                         a 21-month low of 3.3 bcf (93 mcm) per day in  does not appear to have deterred Cheniere from
                         July.                                seeking to maintain its dominant position in
                           It is against this backdrop of improving mar-  the US LNG industry and grow its share of the
                         ket conditions that Cheniere is pushing ahead  global market.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   13•August•2020
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