Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 32
P. 16

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       EOG joins ranks of shale producers

       to report second-quarter loss

        US               HOUSTON-BASED EOG Resources has joined  company reported a 23% year-on-year decline
                         the growing ranks of shale producers to report a  in overall production in the second quarter of
                         loss for the second quarter of 2020. The company  2020, with volumes falling to 623,400 barrels
                         – one of the US’ largest shale players – swung to a  of oil equivalent per day (boepd). Oil was hit
                         net loss of $909mn, from a net profit of $848mn  particularly hard, with output falling 27% y/y to
                         in the second quarter of 2019. The result was also  331,100 barrels per day (bpd), while natural gas
                         a sequential decline on the first quarter of 2020,  liquids (NGLs) production was down 23% and
                         for which EOG posted net income of $10mn.  gas volumes dropped by 15%.
                           On an adjusted basis, the second-quarter net   EOG said oil volumes associated with the
                         loss amounted to $131.2mn, or $0.23 per share –  shut-in of its existing wells peaked at around
                         a wider loss than analysts had been expecting. It  107,000 bpd in May, while for the second quar-
                         is yet another example of the hammering that oil  ter shut-in volumes averaged 73,000 bpd. The
                         producers took in the second quarter, following a  company began to return shut-in volumes to the
                         collapse in both crude prices and demand. EOG  market in June, and said it expected nearly all of
                         noted, however, that it had managed to partially  its shut-in wells to resume production before the
                         offset the hit to its earnings through a reduction  end of the third quarter.
                         in operating costs.                    EOG also deferred initial production from
                           Like other shale drillers, EOG rapidly scaled  most of its new wells until late June, with 10 net
                         back both activity and capital expenditures after  new wells contributing less than 1,000 bpd of
                         crude prices crashed in March. As a result, the  output to second-quarter volumes.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Cameron LNG enters full commercial

       operations with Train 3 start-up

        LOUISIANA        SEMPRA Energy announced on August 10 that  were developing Phase 2 of Cameron LNG,
                         its Cameron LNG export terminal in Hackberry,  which would add 9.97mn tpy of capacity to the
                         Louisiana had entered full commercial service  facility through the construction of two more
                         with the start-up of the third liquefaction train.  trains.
                         The company said in a statement that this was   In January, Sempra asked the US Federal
                         the beginning of full run-rate earnings under  Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for
                         Cameron LNG’s tolling agreements.    an extension to build Trains 4 and 5, having
                           The plant, which has a total capacity of  initially been given a deadline of May 2020 for
                         14.95mn tonnes per year (tpy), has exported  bringing them into service. The delay to Phase 2
                         nearly 100 cargoes of LNG since its first train  was partly attributed to a change in the circum-
                         entered service in August 2019, amounting to  stances of one of Sempra’s joint venture partners.
                         more than 6mn tonnes of the super-chilled fuel.   Having previously been targeting mid-2021
                         The second train began commercial service in  for a final investment decision (FID) on Phase
                         February this year.                  2, Sempra cautioned this week that “there can be
                           The terminal cost $10bn to construct, and  no assurance” that Phase 2 of Cameron or any of
                         operations are anticipated to generate nearly  the other LNG projects it is developing will be
                         $12bn of after-debt service cash flows for Sem-  completed. This was attributed to the “number
                         pra during the project’s 20-year contract period.  of risks and uncertainties” these LNG ventures
                           Sempra indirectly owns 50.2% of Cameron  are currently subject to.
                         LNG. The other partners in the project are   The company did say, however, that Cam-
                         affiliates of Total, Mitsui & Co. and Japan LNG  eron LNG’s owners had signed memoranda
                         Investment – which is jointly owned by Mitsub-  of understanding (MoUs) for 100% of the
                         ishi and Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha. In its  offtake capacity from Phase 2 with no change
                         statement, Sempra also said that the partners  in equity ownership.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   13•August•2020
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