Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 32
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            $(0.51) per share, compared to second quarter   period ended June 30, 2020, the company
                                           2019 adjusted net income (non-GAAP)   reported oil and gas revenues of $10,636,593.
       Perpetual Energy                    of $83.0mn, or $0.82 per share1. Net cash   For the six months ended June 30, 2020, the
                                           provided by operating activities was $144.7mn  company reported oil and gas revenues of
       announces extension                 in the second quarter of 2020 compared to   $50,206,921.
                                           $414.0mn in the same period a year ago.
                                                                                  For the three months ended June 30, 2020,
       of credit facility                  Adjusted cash flow from operations (non-  Ring reported a net loss of $135,000,066 or
                                           GAAP) was $144.5mn in the second quarter
                                                                                $1.99 per diluted share. For the six months
       redetermination                     of 2020 compared to $336.4mn in the second   ended June 30, 2020, the company reported
                                                                                a net loss of $91,195,948 or $1.34 per diluted
                                           quarter a year ago1.
       Perpetual Energy announced today the   Oil production averaged 78,000 barrels   share.
       extension of the revolving credit period   per day. Total company production volumes   For the three months ended June 30, 2020,
       applicable to the company’s existing   for the quarter averaged 254,700 barrels of   the net income included a pre-tax unrealised
       CAD20mn credit facility to October 30, 2020.   oil equivalent (boe) per day. Second quarter   loss on derivatives of $26,771,529, a pre-tax
       The credit facility continues to be available on   production volumes were impacted by the   ceiling test impairment of $147,937,943
       a revolving basis until that date. The date for   operational slow down announced in March   and a non-cash charge for stock-based
       the redetermination of the borrowing limit   and a 20% temporary curtailment of May   compensation of $1,317,542. Excluding
       has also been extended until October 30,   production related to the extreme fluctuation   these items, the net income per diluted share
       2020. The extension of the borrowing limit   in oil prices caused by the COVID-19   would have been $0.02. For the six months
       redetermination provides additional time   pandemic and the actions of OPEC and other   ended June 30, 2020, the net income included
       to finalise negotiations with its lenders and   countries during the quarter.  a pre-tax unrealised gain on derivatives of
       for the company to explore opportunities to   Realised oil prices averaged $19.57 per   $20,315,152, a pre-tax ceiling test impairment
       enhance its liquidity. If the revolving period   barrel, down 64% from the $54.24 per barrel   of $147,937,943 and a non-cash charge for
       applicable to the credit facility is not extended   received in the second quarter of 2019.   stock-based compensation of $1,991,337.
       beyond October 30, 2020, the credit facility   Realised natural gas prices averaged $0.91   Excluding these items, the net income per
       will cease to revolve, and all outstanding   per 1,000 cubic feet (mcf), up 82% from the   diluted share would have been $0.14. The
       balances will be repayable on November 30,   second quarter 2019 average of $0.50 per mcf.   Company believes results excluding these
       2020.                               NGL prices averaged $7.52 per barrel, down   items are more comparable to estimates
       PERPETUAL ENERGY, August 10, 2020   43% from the $13.08 barrel received in the   provided by security analysts and, therefore,
                                           second quarter of 2019.              are useful in evaluating operational trends of
       Cimarex reports second-             CIMAREX ENERGY, August 05, 2020      the company and its performance, compared
                                                                                to other similarly situated oil and gas
       quarter 2020 results                Ring Energy announces                producing companies.
                                                                                  For the three months ended June 30, 2020,
       Cimarex Energy today reported a second   second-quarter and six-         oil sales volume was 429,751 barrels, and gas
       quarter 2020 net loss of $925.1mn, or $9.28                              sales volume was 417,491 mcf (1,000 cubic
       per share, compared to net income of   month 2020 financial and          feet). On a barrel of oil equivalent (boe) basis
       $109.3mn, or $1.07 per share, in the same                                for the three months ended June 30, 2020,
       period a year ago. Second quarter results   operational results          production sales were 499,333 boe. For the six
       were negatively impacted by non-cash                                     months ended June 30, 2020, oil sales volume
       charges related to the impairment of oil and   Ring Energy announced today financial   was 1,285,354 barrels, and gas sales volume
       gas properties. Second quarter adjusted net   results for the three months and six months   was 1,183,042 mcf. On a boe basis for the six
       income (non-GAAP) was $(52.4)mn, or   ended June 30, 2020. For the three-month   months ended June 30, 2020, production sales
                                                                                were 1,482,528 boe.
                                                                                RING ENERGY, August 10, 2020
                                                                                HomeBound Resources

                                                                                announces $4.4mn

                                                                                investment in Texas’

                                                                                Midland Basin, part of the
                                                                                greater Permian Basin

                                                                                HomeBound Resources announced today the
                                                                                company has completed a $4.4mn acquisition
                                                                                in Texas’ Midland Basin – part of the greater
                                                                                Permian Basin. The acquisition spans Martin,
                                                                                Reagan, Lea, Glasscock, and Midland
                                                                                Counties, and includes 55 drilled wells and

       Week 32   13•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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