Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 32
P. 18

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil


                                                                                Phillips 66 Plans to

                                                                                transform San Francisco
                                                                                refinery into world’s largest

                                                                                renewable fuels plant

                                                                                Phillips 66, a diversified energy manufacturing
                                                                                and logistics company, announced today
                                                                                that it plans to reconfigure its San Francisco
                                                                                Refinery in Rodeo, California, to produce
                                                                                renewable fuels.
                                                                                  The plant would no longer produce fuels
       106 acres of proven undeveloped reserves   business, has cemented them in the industry   from crude oil, but instead would make
       (PUDs) with roughly 50 locations at varying   as a leader among small energy operators.”   fuels from used cooking oil, fats, greases and
       depths.                             HOMEBOUND RESOURCES, August 10, 2020  soybean oils.
         The acquisition was made at a significant                                The Phillips 66 Rodeo Renewed project
       discount to its estimated pre-COVID-19                                   would produce 680 million gallons annually
       valuation and demonstrates HomeBound’s   MIDSTREAM                       of renewable diesel, renewable gasoline, and
       ability to acquire premium assets at a time                              sustainable jet fuel.
       when some energy operators are struggling   Summit Midstream               Combined with the production of
       due to depressed oil prices.                                             renewable fuels from an existing project in
         “At HomeBound, we understand that   Partners reports second-           development, the plant would produce greater
       energy price fluctuations are inevitable and                             than 800 million gallons a year of renewable
       try to price these events into our acquisitions.   quarter 2020 financial and   fuels, making it the world’s largest facility of
       As an opportunistic investor, we seek                                    its kind.
       opportunities from distressed sellers, not   operating results             The project scope includes the construction
       distressed assets,” said Stefan Toth, CEO of                             of pre-treatment units and the repurposing
       HomeBound Resources. “Our value-investing   Summit Midstream Partners announced   of existing hydrocracking units to enable
       strategy helps position us in a manner that   today its financial and operating results   production of renewable fuels. The plant will
       can withstand volatility. Furthermore, with   for the three months ended June 30, 2020,   utilise its flexible logistics infrastructure to
       reduced demand brought on by COVID-19,   including net income of $56.7mn, adjusted   bring in cooking oil, fats, greases and soybean
       we’ve taken extra measures to increase our   EBITDA of $64.6mn and DCF of $42.7mn.   oils from global sources and supply renewable
       storage capacity, enabling us to continue   Net income included a $54.2mn gain from   fuels to the California market. This capital
       production while waiting for prices to   early extinguishment of debt as a result of   efficient investment is expected to deliver
       rebound.”                           SMLP’s open market repurchases of senior   strong returns through the sale of high value
         The acquisition was made on behalf of an   unsecured notes at discounts to par value.   products while lowering the plant’s operating
       energy-focused investment fund, sponsored   Operated natural gas volume throughput   costs.
       by HomeBound and offered through Resolute   averaged 1,391 mmcf per day and liquids   “Phillips 66 is taking a significant step
       Capital Partners, that invests in productive   volume throughput averaged 76,000 bpd for   with Rodeo Renewed to support demand for
       regions with known oil and gas fields that   the quarter. Increased quarterly operated   renewable fuels and help California meet its
       are too complex for small companies and not   natural gas volume throughput was primarily   low carbon objectives,” said Greg Garland,
       large enough for many public companies.   driven by seven wells that came online in   chairman and CEO of Phillips 66. “We believe
       HomeBound estimates the acquisitions’   March 2020 in the Utica shale segment, which   the world will require a mix of fuels to meet
       average lifting cost is below $15 per barrel,   included a five-well pad site which generated   the growing need for affordable energy, and
       which mirrors many of its other operating   aggregate production rates in excess of 160   the renewable fuels from Rodeo Renewed will
       wells and enables HomeBound to be profitable  mmcf per day for the majority of the quarter   be an important part of that mix. This project
       and make opportunistic acquisitions during   as well as six wells turned-in-line upstream   is a great example of how Phillips 66 is making
       periods of reduced prices.          of the TPL-7 Connector pipeline. Liquids   investments in the energy transition that will
         “HomeBound Resources has been an   volume throughput was adversely impacted   create long term value for our shareholders.”
       exceptional partner for our energy platform,   by approximately 14,000 bpd of temporary   If approved by Contra Costa County
       and we are pleased with their efforts to   production shut-ins. Although producers are   officials and the Bay Area Air Quality
       effectively manage their energy portfolios,”   starting to return previously shut-in wells to   Management District, renewable fuels
       said Thomas Powell, senior managing   service, incremental volumes from previously   production is expected to begin in early 2024.
       partner and founder of Resolute Capital   curtailed production are expected to be   Once reconfigured, the plant will no longer
       Partners. “Their disciplined approach to   moderate in the near-term.    transport or process crude oil.
       identifying viable opportunities for investors   SUMMIT MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, August 07,   PHILLIPS 66, August 12, 2020
       while incorporating highly effective risk   2020
       management practices throughout their

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   13•August•2020
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