Page 19 - NorthAmOil Week 32
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       ExxonMobil and Global               Eagle LNG and Crowley                SERVICES

       Clean Energy Holdings sign  celebrate 100th LNG                          Superior Energy Services
       agreement for renewable             bunkering for CONRO Ships  announces second-quarter

       diesel                              at JAXPORT                           2020 results

       ExxonMobil has signed an agreement with   Last Friday, Eagle LNG Partners celebrated   Superior Energy Services today announced
       Global Clean Energy Holdings to purchase   the 100th bunkering event of liquefied natural   a net loss from continuing operations for
       2.5mn barrels of renewable diesel per year for   gas (LNG) from its Talleyrand LNG Bunker   the second quarter of 2020 of $58.9mn, or
       five years from a converted California refinery   Station, located at Jacksonville Port Authority   $3.97 per share, on revenue of $183.9mn.
       starting in 2022.                   (JAXPORT), with Crowley Maritime. Eagle   This compares to a net loss from continuing
         The renewable diesel will be sourced from   LNG is proud of this accomplishment having   operations of $32.3mn, or $2.18 per share,
       a refinery acquired by Global Clean Energy   delivered on its weekly LNG bunkering   for the first quarter of 2020, on revenue of
       in Bakersfield, California, which is being   commitment regardless of COVID-19   $321.5mn and a net loss from continuing
       retooled to produce renewable diesel from   constraints or shipping challenges.  operations of $18.4mn, or $1.18 per share,
       Global Clean Energy’s patented varieties   “Since March, our operations staff   for the second quarter of 2019, on revenue of
       of camelina, a fallow land crop that does   have continued working with Crowley’s   $367.4mn.
       not displace food crops, and other non-  ship management teams to maintain safe   The company reported $9.1mn in
       petroleum feedstocks. Following scheduled   bunkering of their ships, MV Taíno and   severance and other related costs, and $8.6mn
       production start-up in 2022, ExxonMobil   MV El Coquí, while adhering to public   of merger-related transaction costs. The
       plans to distribute the renewable diesel within   health guidelines. This is a testament to the   resulting adjusted net loss from continuing
       California and potentially to other domestic   operating procedures we developed together   operations for the second quarter of 2020 was
       and international markets.          in the spirit of partnership to keep cargo   $45.3mn, or $3.06 per share.
         “Our agreement with Global Clean Energy   moving,” reports Sean Lalani, president of   David Dunlap, president and CEO,
       builds on ExxonMobil’s longstanding efforts   Eagle LNG. With multiple layers of safety   commented: “We expected a significant
       to develop and offer products that help   and environmental precautions in place, we   reduction in oil field activity resulting from
       meet society’s energy needs while reducing   have safely surpassed 100 bunkering events.   the COVID-19 related economic slow-down
       environmental impacts,” said Bryan Milton,   Eagle LNG is proud of the safety practices   during the second quarter, and our sequential
       president of ExxonMobil Fuels and Lubricants   jointly created with the U.S. Coast Guard   revenue decline of 43% was in line with those
       Company. “Chemically similar to petroleum-  Sector Jacksonville, the Jacksonville Fire and   expectations.
       based diesel, renewable diesel can be readily   Rescue Department, Crowley and JAXPORT   “As we manage these troubling and
       blended for use in engines on the market   – practices that are now a standard for others   uncertain times, we have prioritised our
       today.”                             in the LNG industry. LNG has been shown   balance sheet and cost structure. Measures
         “Our relationship with ExxonMobil   to be both safe and reliable, in addition   taken during the quarter include lower levels
       is a perfect fit for Global Clean Energy   to being the best fuel solution to deliver   of spending, structural cost reductions, and
       and the Bakersfield biorefinery because it   environmental performance and cost savings.   disciplined operations, resulting in a 10%
       leverages ExxonMobil’s scale and unrivalled   We look forward to serving the maritime   sequential increase of our cash balance,
       market perspective to unlock value for   industry throughout the country with clean   which grew to $278mn. Our cash balance at
       both companies,” said Richard Palmer,   burning, low-cost, U.S. LNG and bringing   quarter-end does not reflect a tax refund of
       CEO of Global Clean Energy Holdings. “By   these remarkable benefits to countries in the   approximately $30mn, which was received in
       combining upstream feedstock supply and   Caribbean basin.”              July.
       downstream production, we are moving   Eagle LNG Talleyrand, which provides safe   “Despite an uncertain forward outlook,
       toward the fully integrated production model   and reliable on-site storage for over 500,000   we are observing signals that oil field activity,
       pioneered by ExxonMobil.”           gallons of LNG, has successfully delivered over  particularly completion related operations,
         In addition to camelina, various non-  30 million gallons or almost 50,000 metric   will increase during the second half of the year
       petroleum feedstocks, including used cooking   tons over the last 100 bunkering activities to   as broader economic activity improves. We
       oil, soybean oil, distillers’ corn oil and other   these first-in-class ships. The facility is the   expect the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
       renewable sources will be refined to produce   first of its kind in North America to provide   to persist well into the future, and we will
       the renewable diesel.               shoreside storage and bunkering equipment   continue to be agile in our approach as the
         Based on analysis of California Air   to deliver the cleaner energy source for the   landscape evolves.”
       Resources Board (CARB) data, renewable   Commitment Class, combination container/  SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES, August 10,
       diesel from various non-petroleum feedstocks   roll-on roll-off (ConRo) ships, which provide   2020
       can provide life-cycle greenhouse gas   ocean transportation of dry, refrigerated and
       emissions reductions of approximately 40% to   vehicle cargoes under the Jones Act.
       80% compared to petroleum-based diesel.  EAGLE LNG PARTNERS, August 10, 2020
       EXXONMOBIL, August 11, 2020

       Week 32   13•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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