Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 32
P. 15

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Occidental decides against

       selling Algerian assets

        US-ALGERIA       OCCIDENTAL Petroleum (US) has decided  negotiations on the Algerian and Ghanaian sites.
                         against selling the Hassi Berkine oilfield and  It did so after Algeria’s government blocked the
                         other assets in Algeria, the head of the company  deal, explaining that the terms of the SPA had
                         told analysts in a conference call earlier this week.  made the sale of Anadarko’s Ghanaian assets
                           Vicki Hollub, Occidental’s CEO, said the firm  contingent on the sale of the Algerian fields.
                         had taken another look at its Algerian assets and   The SPA signed between Total and Occiden-
                         had decided to classify them as a core part of  tal is due to expire in September 2020. The two
                         its portfolio. “It’s not that we gave up on selling  companies have already signed a waiver that
                         Algeria,” she explained. “We believe that those  allows the latter company to begin marketing
                         assets there are [of] such high quality [that]  Anadarko’s Ghanaian assets to other potential
                         they’re going to be very competitive with our  buyers.
                         domestic assets. We want to be in Algeria.”  As such, Occidental is in a position to con-
                           Occidental had said last year that it intended  tinue looking for a buyer in Ghana. If it succeeds,
                         to unload Anadarko’s assets in several African  it can use the proceeds of the sale to pay down
                         countries, including Ghana, Mozambique and  some of the debt it assumed to finance the pur-
                         South Africa, as well as Algeria. It arranged to  chase of Anadarko for $37bn. But if it retains the
                         sell these holdings to Total under a sales and  Algerian assets, it will not be able to collect pay-
                         purchase agreement (SPA) signed last year,  ment on that front. Hollub appears to be hopeful,
                         and the French major has already bought Ana-  though, that the Algerian fields will be profitable
                         darko’s stakes in fields in South Africa and  enough to compensate for that shift.
                         Mozambique.                            Occidental had said previously that it hoped
                           In May of this year, though, Total confirmed  to earn a total of $5bn from the sales of Ana-
                         that it was abandoning attempts to complete  darko’s Ghanaian and Algerian holdings.™


       Occidental hit by $8.4bn loss

        US               OCCIDENTAL Petroleum has reported a net  the year to 1.16mn barrels of oil equivalent per
                         loss of $8.4bn for the second quarter of 2020,  day (boepd). Occidental’s output in the Permian
                         joining a handful of super-majors in writing  Basin – where it became the largest operator
                         down the value of its oil and gas properties by  through its acquisition of Anadarko – is pre-
                         billions of dollars. Like other shale producers,  dicted to be hit particularly hard, with a pro-
                         the company has been returning shut-in oil vol-  jected base decline of around 37% this year.
                         umes to the market. However, it also warned that   Occidental reported total impairment
       Occidental’s operations   it expected its output to fall in the remaining two  charges of $6.6bn in the second quarter, includ-
       in the Permian Basin   quarters of the year. Occidental’s president and  ing $5.2bn on continuing oil and gas operations
       are expected to be   CEO, Vicki Hollub, said on the company’s earn-  and $1.4bn on discontinued ones. The com-
       particularly affected by   ings call that it did not intend to grow production  pany had already been making losses in recent
       the projected decline in   until it had “significantly” reduced its debt.  quarters, but on a year-on-year basis, it swung
       production.         The oil market downturn that started in  to its multi-billion dollar loss from a net profit
                         March came at a bad time for Occidental, which  of $635mn in the second quarter of 2019. Over
                         took on a large amount of debt last year to fund  the subsequent quarters, Occidental’s losses wid-
                         its $38bn takeover of Anadarko Petroleum. The  ened each time, with a loss of $2.2bn in the first
                         acquisition increasingly looks like an ill-timed  quarter of this year. But like many other produc-
                         gamble on higher oil prices, having been aimed  ers, it was hit hardest during the second quarter.
                         at increasing Occidental’s efficiency and profits   The company’s production outlook “does
                         by boosting oil and gas production.  not inspire confidence in capital efficiency” or
                           Instead, Occidental now expects its output  in Occidental’s ability to “meet sustaining capi-
                         to fall by 13% this quarter over the previous  tal requirements next year”, a Mizuho Securities
                         one, and a further 5% in the fourth quarter of  analyst, Vincent Lovaglio, commented.™

       Week 32   13•August•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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