Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 32
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Alberta already has
                                                                                                  some infrastructure for
                                                                                                  carbon capture and

                         governments, to inform the process.  oil recovery (EOR) projects. Alberta already has
                           Shortly after news of the strategy’s develop-  some infrastructure in place for this, with the
                         ment emerged, Dan Wicklum, the CEO of the  Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL) capturing
                         non-profit Transition Accelerator – which is  industrial emissions for both storage and use in
                         helping to lead the country’s hydrogen push –  EOR.
                         was quoted by local media as saying he expected   Once green hydrogen becomes cost-compet-
                         Ottawa to “set a context” for Canada’s hydrogen  itive, BC, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and New-
                         strategy this summer, rather than committing  foundland could have an advantage given their
                         funding at this point.               abundance of cheap surplus off-hour renewable
                           Several Canadian provinces already produce  power, with hydroelectricity accounting for the
                         hydrogen, and are now looking at how they can  largest share of power in most. However, this is
                         pivot to blue and green hydrogen. And on a pro-  thought to be at least several years away.
                         vincial level, Alberta is not the only province to
                         be developing its own hydrogen strategy, with  What next?
                         British Columbia also working on this. Quebec,  As further details of federal and provincial
                         for its part, has also embarked on a hydrogen  hydrogen strategies are awaited, various hydro-
                         push, with its government having purchased a  gen projects are already underway in Canada.  Several Canadian
                         fleet of hydrogen-powered vehicles in 2019, and   In Alberta, a handful of small-scale hydro-
                         is now exploring the idea of exporting the gas  gen projects were awarded provincial govern-  provinces
                         to the US.                           ment funding last month. One of these, in the   already produce
                           It is Alberta, however, which is likely to lead  city of Fort Saskatchewan, involves launching
                         the way in the development of clean hydrogen,  blended gas – including up to 5% hydrogen – for   hydrogen, and
                         having already established itself as a major, low-  home heating in 2021, once the necessary infra-
                         cost hydrogen producer.              structure is built. The pilot project will initially  are now looking
                           “Alberta has a huge competitive advantage, as  be rolled out to around 5,000 customers. It will
                         we are already one of the world’s largest hydro-  be Canada’s largest hydrogen-blending project,   at how they can
                         gen producers and we can make hydrogen for  according to utility ATCO, with the company   pivot to blue and
                         about half the cost of diesel fuel,” said Wicklum.  hoping the scheme will provide a roadmap
                           And Alberta’s Associate Minister of Natural  for further emissions reduction initiatives in   green hydrogen.
                         Gas, Dale Nally, told the Globe and Mail in June  Alberta.
                         that the goal of Alberta’s hydrogen plan would   If the project is successful, there is potential to
                         be to establish “a very aggressive and profitable  expand the hydrogen component of the blended
                         hydrogen industry”.                  gas mix to 20-40%.
                           This would involve using CCS to capture   How this scheme and others perform
                         CO2 emissions during the production of fossil  will be closely watched, with success serving
                         fuels and hydrogen. Supporters of hydrogen  to add momentum to the already growing
                         development have also noted the opportunity to  hydrogen industry in Alberta, and across
                         monetise the captured CO2 for use in enhanced  Canada as a whole.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 32   13•August•2020
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