Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 32
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Cheniere’s earnings top estimates

       as LNG exports pick up

       Leading US LNG producer Cheniere Energy’s second-quarter earnings beat analyst

       expectations, with the results coming out as the country’s LNG exports are forecast

       to rise for the first time in six months

        US               CHENIERE Energy, the US’ largest LNG pro-  year from the first half of 2019.
                         ducer, has posted a second-quarter profit that   However, in the second quarter of 2020 alone,
       WHAT:             topped analyst expectations at $197mn, up from  the number of cargoes exported fell 25% y/y
       Cheniere’s second-  a net loss of $114mn in the second quarter of  to 78 from 104 a year earlier. And the number
       quarter earnings beat   2019. The result comes despite a spate of US LNG  of cargoes threatens to be comparatively low
       analyst expectations.  cargo cancellations over the summer – indeed,  again in the third quarter given the high num-
                         Cheniere attributed its increased profit in part  ber of cancellations in July – though shipments
       WHY:              to higher margins stemming from the fees paid  are anticipated to pick up again in August and
       The company attributed   by those of its customers that cancelled cargoes.  September.
       higher margins in part   At the same time as Cheniere reported its   A comparison with the first quarter also illus-
       to collecting fees from   second-quarter earnings, other signs of an  trates how challenging the second quarter has
       customers cancelling   improvement in market conditions were emerg-  been. First-quarter exports from Cheniere’s
       cargoes.          ing. US LNG exports are being forecast to rise  terminals amounted to 128 cargoes, and the
                         in August, which would mark the first increase  company reported net income of $375mn. On
       WHAT NEXT:        for the country in six months. And Cheniere is  a sequential basis, Cheniere’s second-quarter
       US LNG exports are being   forging ahead with the further expansion of its  profit marks a 47% decline.
       forecast to rise in August   LNG infrastructure as it continues to assert its   Company revenues also fell on a sequential
       for the first time in six   dominance in the US and on the global market.  basis in the second quarter, to $2.4bn, compared
       months, resulting in more                              with $2.7bn in the first quarter, but rose 5% y/y
       shipments for Cheniere.  Making a profit               from $2.3bn a year ago.
                         Cheniere has been exporting LNG since 2016,   Cheniere’s CEO, Jack Fusco, described the
                         and steadily ramping up shipments of the  second-quarter results as strong in the face of
                         super-chilled fuel as it has brought more liq-  challenging market conditions and the contin-
                         uefaction trains online. Illustrating the contin-  ued impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                         ued rise in exports, even as cargo cancellations  pandemic.
                         began to affect volumes earlier this year, is the   The company did not disclose how many
                         fact that over the first six months of 2020, the  contracted cargoes had been cancelled, but
                         company shipped 206 cargoes, up 8% year on  a filing with the US Securities and Exchange

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