Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 24
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Supreme Court ruling a

       breakthrough for pipelines

       A Supreme Court ruling has been hailed as a breakthrough for

       the Atlantic Coast pipeline, and also bodes well for the stalled

       Mountain Valley project

        US NORTHEAST     THE path to completion for major oil and  may cause us to miss the forest for the trees, but
                         gas pipelines in North America has not been  at bottom, these cases boil down to a simple
       WHAT:             straightforward. As well as attracting local and  proposition: a trail is a trail, and land is land,”
       The Atlantic Coast   environmental opposition, such projects often  Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote
       pipeline has overcome a   get held up by complex, lengthy regulatory  on behalf of the majority.
       significant hurdle.  review processes and occasionally by litigation.
                         However, a ruling by the US Supreme Court  Major hurdle
       WHY:              this week has been hailed as a significant victory  The Supreme Court’s ruling eliminates the big-
       A Supreme Court ruling   for the $8bn Atlantic Coast pipeline, and is also  gest hurdle standing in the way of the Atlantic
       upholds a permit allowing   thought to have positive implications for the  Coast pipeline, which has been stalled since 2018
       the pipeline to cross   another project – the Mountain Valley pipeline.  owing to a stop-work order issued by federal reg-
       under the Appalachian   On June 15, the Supreme Court upheld a per-  ulators on different concerns. However, this does
       Trail.            mit for the Atlantic Coast project to pass under  not mean Dominion and partner Duke Energy
                         the Appalachian Trail that had been granted by  can immediately resume construction on the
       WHAT NEXT:        the US Forest Service (USFS). The court ruled 7  pipeline.
       The ruling is good news   to 2 that the USFS had the authority to issue the   “This will not guarantee that the pipeline will
       for the Mountain Valley   permit, which had been in dispute after a federal  be built, but it greatly eases the path forward for
       pipeline, which would   appeals court had withdrawn it, arguing that the  its construction,” Robert Percival, the director of
       require a similar permit.  Appalachian Trail is controlled by the National  the environmental law programme at the Uni-
                         Park Service.                        versity of Maryland, was quoted by Bloomberg
                           Operator Dominion Energy and the federal  as saying.
                         government contested the appeals court’s rul-  RS Energy Group commented in a note that
                         ing, arguing that while the National Park Service  the 2018 stop-work order had been issued
                         manages the Appalachian Trail, the underlying  because of deficiencies in US Fish and Wildlife
                         land is part of a national forest, putting it within  Service (USFWS) permits relating to endan-
                         the USFS’ jurisdiction. The Supreme Court  gered species. The energy intelligence firm
                         agreed.                              expects the USFWS permits to be restored
                           “Sometimes a complicated regulatory scheme  this summer. However, a permit to build a

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