Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 24
P. 16

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

                                           Williams announces                     Taggart is expected to come online in
       MIDSTREAM                                                                33% owner) in Louisiana.
       Public statement from Trans  deepwater tieback                           early 2022, and the reserves are expected to
                                                                                produce approximately 27 million barrels over
       Mountain                            agreement at Devils Tower            eight years.
                                                                                WILLIAMS, June 17, 2020
       Site clean-up continues at the Sumas Pump   Williams announced today that it has
       Station in Abbotsford, BC. Crews have been   reached a tieback agreement with LLOG   Enterprise ramps up
       working around the clock and removal of all   Exploration Offshore (LLOG) to provide
       surface level product is complete. Removal of   offshore natural gas and oil gathering and   ethylene exports;
       contaminated soil is underway and expected   production handling services for the Taggart
       to take approximately four weeks.   development at Williams’ Devils Tower Spar,   commissions ethylene
         Environmental monitoring is ongoing   which is located 140 miles southeast of New
       and has identified no risk to the public or   Orleans in the Mississippi Canyon area of the   storage and pipeline
       community. Indigenous monitors continue to   Gulf of Mexico. In addition to gathering and
       have access to the site around the clock. An   production handling, Williams will provide   system
       archaeological study and cultural monitoring   onshore gas treatment and processing services
       are included as part of the cleanup and   to support the Taggart development.  Enterprise Products Partners today
       remediation efforts.                  “We are pleased to provide the full   announced that the company’s ethylene
         The Incident Command Post remains   spectrum of midstream capabilities to another   export terminal at Morgan’s Point, Texas, a
       active and the company continues to work   deep-water producer in the Gulf,” said   joint venture with Navigator Holdings, has
       with local authorities, area Indigenous groups   Micheal Dunn, Chief Operating Officer for   exceeded design interim loading capacity
       and regulators, including the Canada Energy   Williams. “Interconnected unlike any other,   and expects to export more than 175 million
       Regulator (CER), Transportation Safety Board   our offshore and onshore infrastructure allows  pounds for the month of June. The terminal
       (TSB) and BC Ministry of Environment   us to maximise value for our customers by   is in the process of loading a record-sized
       (BCMOE) in the oversight and clean-up of   providing a safe, seamless and efficient direct   ethylene cargo of 44 million pounds on the
       this incident. The CER Remediation Process   path to market. We look forward to serving   Navigator Eclipse.
       Guide will drive Trans Mountain’s assessment   LLOG and capturing the full value of these   The partnership expects to complete the
       and remediation planning process moving   important deep-water resources for our   construction of an aboveground ethylene
       forward.                            nation’s economy.”                   storage tank, which will bring the total
         Trans Mountain is conducting a thorough   Williams will leverage its existing   loading capacity of the marine terminal to
       investigation into the incident and fully   footprint and system capabilities to gather   2.2bn pounds per year, by the end of 2020.
       cooperating with the investigative efforts   Taggart crude and natural gas production   The marine terminal volumes are
       of the Transportation Safety Board and the   through Williams’ Mountaineer and   supported by Enterprise’s high-capacity
       Canada Energy Regulator. All COVID-19   Canyon Chief pipeline systems. The natural   ethylene storage hub and pipeline system,
       protocols are being followed both at the   gas will be delivered to Williams’ Mobile   which is connected to four ethylene pipeline
       Incident Command Post and at the site of the   Bay Processing Plant, and the natural gas   systems. Enterprise expects to complete three
       cleanup.                            liquids will be fractionated and marketed   additional connections by the end of 2020,
       TRANS MOUNTAIN, June 16, 2020       at the Baton Rouge Fractionator (Williams   linking its system to a majority of ethylene
                                                                                production capacity in Texas. Enterprise’s
                                                                                open access ethylene storage hub and pipeline
                                                                                system provides domestic ethylene producers
                                                                                access to both domestic and global markets.
                                                                                  “To meet the growing demand for
                                                                                petrochemical products, Enterprise built
                                                                                the world’s first fully open access global hub
                                                                                for polymer grade propylene; now, we have
                                                                                developed the first global hub for ethylene,”
                                                                                said A.J. “Jim” Teague, co-chief executive
                                                                                officer of Enterprise’s general partner. “These
                                                                                hubs are transforming how ethylene and
                                                                                propylene markets transact and will create
                                                                                a true marketplace for the world’s primary
                                                                                petrochemical producers, consumers and
                                                                                traders. These hubs provide the essentials for
                                                                                an efficient market: reliable supplies, price
                                                                                transparency and access to domestic and
                                                                                global markets.”
                                                                                ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS PARTNERS, June 17,

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   18•June•2020
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