Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 24
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       to include hard assets such as production   performing M&A due diligence on a variety of  backlog over the coming months and system
       facilities, gathering systems, pipelines, and   oil and gas properties of all sizes, production   delivery to occur in 2021.
       drilling, fracking and completion equipment,   operations analyses and environmental   In addition, Xebec has received multiple
       as well as a more granular analysis of   reviews. This alliance will enhance our clients’   hydrogen purification orders for the
       anticipated costs of developing reserves. The   understanding of the true value of assets,   production of cost-effective, high purity
       combination provides an advantage to our   provide analysis that promotes good decision   hydrogen for use in fuel cells and industrial
       clients who require a thorough, independent   making, and ensure success.  applications.
       understanding of asset value performed   GRAVES & CO. CONSULTING, June 17, 2020  The aggregate order amount of the landfill
       economically and efficiently.                                            and hydrogen projects announced today, and
         Both firms have extensive experience                                   the Alberta RNG Project LoI announced on
       providing expert witness testimony and   ENERGY TRANSITION               June 3, 2020, is $11.9mn.
       distressed asset valuation support for                                     On June 1, 2020, Xebec announced
       restructuring and bankruptcy situations,   Xebec announces letter of     the creation of the GNR Québec Capital
       and in support of litigation. Signa is                                   investment fund. This new investment vehicle
       especially proficient in designing, drilling   intent for Canadian landfill   aims to increase renewable natural gas (RNG)
       and completing managed pressure and                                      production in Québec and Canada, and when
       extended reach drilling, providing onsite   gas to renewable natural     fully capitalised and appropriately leveraged,
       supervision and the analysis of production                               could fund 12-15 renewable natural gas
       practices, and has testified extensively   gas project                   projects in Canada.
       about correct practices and procedures.                                    While this landfill project will not be
       Graves’ management team has provided   Xebec Adsorption, a global provider of clean   invested into through the fund, the LoI
       technical assistance and advisory services   energy solutions is pleased to announce that   showcases the increasing number of projects
       to banks, trustees, creditor committees, and   it has signed a letter of intent (LoI) on June   that are coming online for RNG, and how
       restructuring firms in evaluating oil and gas   5th, 2020, for the sale of a multi-million   Xebec is becoming a valuable technology
       properties and in developing strategies to   dollar landfill gas to renewable natural gas   provider and financial partner in the waste-to-
       restructure and turn around distressed assets.  (RNG) installation, to a large-scale waste   RNG space in Canada.
         Signa Engineering and Graves & Co.   management customer in North America.  XEBEC ADSORPTION, June 10, 2020
       Consulting teams have broad experience   Xebec expects the LoI to convert into

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   18•June•2020
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