Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 24
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                of ClearSign. “This is the culmination of a
                                                                                multi-year relationship that spans before my
                                                                                joining the company. This order is the final
                                                                                step in demonstrating our technology with a
                                                                                supermajor at its refinery. This development
                                                                                results from the dedicated work of both
                                                                                our team and the research-and-engineering
                                                                                team at ExxonMobil. We look forward to
                                                                                demonstrating our technology at its Baytown
                                                                                CLEARSIGN TECHNOLOGIES, June 15, 2020

                                                                                CITGO reports first-quarter
                                                                                2020 results

                                                                                CITGO Petroleum Corporation today
                                                                                reported its first quarter 2020 performance
       DOWNSTREAM                          tank systems and a number of tank systems   results, including a net loss of $159mn and an
                                           that did not display the required identification   adjusted EBITDA1 of $38mn excluding the
       British Columbia fuel-              numbers.                             effect of special items.
                                              In January 2013, Scamp Industries was
                                                                                  The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
       supply company fined                issued a written warning for delivering fuel   combined with crude oil demand destruction
                                                                                were drivers behind the Company’s first
                                           to a gas station in Chilliwack, which had
       $200,000 for offences               not registered its storage-tank systems with   quarter results and impacted the industry
                                                                                as a whole. The first quarter net loss was
                                           Environment and Climate Change Canada.
       under the Canadian                  ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE CHANGE       particularly affected by the lower of cost
                                                                                or market inventory valuation adjustment,
                                           CANADA, June 11, 2020
       Environmental Protection            ClearSign Technologies               a result of rapidly falling crude oil prices
                                                                                affecting refiners across the industry.
       Act, 1999                                                                cash loss that had no impact on CITGO’s
                                                                                  “The LCM adjustment resulted in a non-
       Canadians value a safe and clean    Corporation receives multi-          overall liquidity,” said CITGO President
       environment. Environment and Climate   unit process burner order         and CEO Carlos Jordá. “Our management
       Change Canada’s enforcement officers enforce                             team will continue monitoring the economic
       the laws that protect Canada’s wildlife, air,   from ExxonMobil          environment closely, using the flexibility
       water, and natural environment.                                          of our refineries and the diversification of
         On May 21, 2020, Scamp Industries, a fuel   ClearSign Technologies, an emerging   the markets where we operate to adjust
       supplier based in Western Canada, was fined   leader in industrial combustion and sensing   our product slate and refinery runs while
       $200,000 in the Provincial Court of British   technologies that improve energy, operational   continuing to evaluate additional cost
       Columbia after pleading guilty on June 17,   efficiency and safety while dramatically   reductions.”
       2019, to five counts of transferring petroleum   reducing emissions, has received a purchase   CITGO PETROLEUM, June 12, 2020
       products into a storage-tank system where   order from ExxonMobil to fabricate and
       storage-tank-system identification numbers   install the company’s ClearSign Core™ process
       were not visible. This action is contrary to   burners at its Baytown, Texas refinery.  SERVICES
       subparagraph 29(b)(i) of the Storage Tank   The test will comprise a multi-burner
       Systems for Petroleum Products and Allied   process heater and burners incorporating the   Strategic Alliance between
       Petroleum Products Regulations, made   breakthrough ClearSign Core™ NOx reduction
       pursuant to the Canadian Environmental   technology. This order is the final step in the   Graves & Co. Consulting and
       Protection Act, 1999. The penalty will be   process to showcase ClearSign Core’s superior
       directed to the Government of Canada’s   NOx emissions technology.       Signa Engineering
       Environmental Damages Fund.            The installation order follows the
         In March 2015, Environment and Climate   previously announced engineering order   Graves & Co. Consulting is a reservoir
       Change Canada enforcement officers   and qualification program that ClearSign   engineering and geological consulting firm.
       inspected several gas stations on federal   performed at its state-of-the-art Seattle R&D   We are pleased to announce the creation of
       and Indigenous land in the south-central   facility. That testing was an evaluation over a   a strategic alliance with Signa Engineering
       area of British Columbia, including the   broad range of typical conditions, including   providing unparalleled engineering and
       Kamloops and Salmon Arm areas, to monitor   variations in fuel heating values, turndown,   consulting capacity and expertise.
       compliance with the Regulations. During   and excess air.                  Graves’ collaboration with Signa, the
       these inspections, the enforcement officers   “We are delighted to have received this   premier drilling and production engineering
       found that Scamp Industries Ltd. had been   order and to have advanced to this stage with   and analytics firm, expands Graves’ capacity
       delivering fuel to a number of unregistered   ExxonMobil,” said Jim Deller, Ph. D, CEO   to evaluate assets beyond oil and gas reserves

       Week 24   18•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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