Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 24
P. 13

NorthAmOil                           PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Enbridge receives favourable

       court rulings for Line 5 upgrade

        MICHIGAN         CALGARY-BASED pipeline operator Enbridge  wildlife in the straits.
                         has received two favourable court rulings related   As a result of the ruling, Enbridge’s oil
                         to plans for its Line 5 project – which connects  spill response plans will not require addi-
                         Superior, Wisconsin with Sarnia, Ontario – since  tional environmental or endangered species
                         the start of this month. The company is propos-  analyses.
                         ing to build a utility tunnel under the Straits of   The second favourable legal decision came
                         Mackinac, which connect Lakes Huron and  from the Michigan Court of Appeals, which
                         Michigan. This would surround a rebuilt section  upheld a lower court ruling that a 2018 law
       Enbridge is proposing   of Line 5, which carries 540,000 barrels per day  allowing construction of a new Enbridge oil
       to build a utility tunnel   (bpd) of oil and natural gas liquids (NGLs). The  pipeline tunnel under the Straits of Mackinac
       under the Straits of   replacement would comprise a single pipeline,  was constitutional. However, this is not the end
       Mackinac to surround a   while the existing dual pipelines that cross the  of the road for the case, which is now expected to
       rebuilt section of Line 5.  straits and have been in service since 1953 would  go to the Michigan Supreme Court.
                         be taken out of service.               There are also two further cases involving
                           First, a US federal appeals court has ruled  Line 5 working their way through Michigan’s
                         that pipeline operator Enbridge’s plan for deal-  legal system currently.
                         ing with a potential oil spill from pipelines in the   Public hearings are due to begin this sum-
                         straits were legally acceptable.     mer on Enbridge’s applications for construc-
                           The ruling, issued by 6th US Circuit Court  tion permits for the tunnel. Assuming all
                         of Appeals, overturned a decision by a lower  regulatory approvals are granted on sched-
                         court, which had agreed with an environmen-  ule and litigation does not result in delays,
                         tal group that Enbridge’s plans failed to ade-  Enbridge anticipates completing the $500mn
                         quately consider potential harm to fish and  tunnel project in 2024.™


       Ovintiv to cut jobs across North America

        NORTH AMERICA    OVINTIV – formerly known as Encana – has  company said the move was being made so it
                         said that it is laying off workers in both the US  could access increasingly larger pools of invest-
                         and Canada as it reduces drilling activity in  ment in US index funds and passively managed
                         response to the oil market downturn. An Ovintiv  accounts. Prior to this, Encana had been reposi-
                         spokeswoman, Cindy Hassler, told CBC News  tioning itself to focus more on liquids and shed-
                         that the company had reduced the number of  ding non-core assets until it was left with a small
                         rigs it operates from 23 to seven.   number of areas of focus.
                           “We expect our future activities also will be   Ovintiv’s main assets now are in the Permian
                         lower than prior expectations,” she said.  and Anadarko basins in the US, as well as the
                           The company has not yet provided details  Montney shale play in Canada. It has operations
                         on how many people would be affected by the  in four other shale-producing regions in the US
                         job cuts, but more information is anticipated  and Canada.
                         later this week. Hassler noted, however, that   According to Hassler, the company antici-
                         all levels would be affected, from the executive  pates the industry transitioning to lower pro-
                         level down, and across all offices, including field  duction growth, and a greater focus on free
                         offices. She added that the workforce reductions  cash generation, stronger balance sheets and
                         were near-equal percentages across the compa-  modest growth. She said Ovintiv’s current deci-
                         ny’s three corporate offices – in Calgary, Denver  sion-making was being partly informed by these
                         and the Woodlands, Texas.            expectations.
                           Ovintiv announced in October 2019 that   Ovintiv cut its capital expenditure budget
                         it was moving its headquarters from Calgary  for 2020 by $300mn in the second quarter of the
                         to Denver, as well as changing its name. The  year, shortly after crude prices collapsed.™

       Week 24   18•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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