Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 25 2022
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                                                  (Photo: Sembcorp Marine)
       Petrobras’ balancing act

       High oil prices are shining the spotlight on the contradiction between the NOC’s

       upstream goals and the government’s hopes of support for policy objectives

                         HIGH oil prices ought to be good news for Bra-  own operations. And sure enough, its managers
                         zil’s national oil company (NOC) Petrobras.  have indicated that they want to use additional
       WHAT:               After all, Petrobras is not just a caretaker   revenues to support long-term business devel-
       Brazilian President Jair   NOC, making certain that the interests of the   opment strategies.
       Bolsonaro has once again   state are looked after while international oil   Most of all, they want to direct the money
       blasted Petrobras for its   companies (IOCs) provide the money, expertise   into exploration and development work in pre-
       decision to hike domestic   and technology needed to explore, develop and   salt areas, which are expected to account for the
       gasoline and diesel   otherwise handle Brazil’s hydrocarbons. Instead,   bulk of reserve replacement and new produc-
       prices.           it is an operator in its own right. It may not have   tion over the new few decades.
                         resources identical in calibre to super-majors   But Petrobras has a problem. It does not
       WHY:              such as Shell (UK) or ExxonMobil (US), but it   function like a caretaker NOC, and it does have
       The president’s com-  has an extensive upstream portfolio and is more   certain legal protections against being forced
       plaint is part of a debate   than capable of sustaining crude oil and natural   to do so. (For example, under Brazilian law, the
       over the NOC’s role and   gas production on a large scale. It is active both   government cannot require the company to
                         onshore and offshore, and it has accumulated   change its pricing regime to satisfy policy objec-
       WHAT NEXT:        valuable experience in the geologically complex   tives.) However, it is still majority-owned by the
       Privatisation is on the ho-  deepwater and ultra-deepwater pre-salt zones.  Brazilian government, and it is still expected to
       rizon, though the timing   In short, Petrobras has plenty of reasons   answer to the state to some degree. For instance,
       is not yet certain.  to put the extra money it earns from high oil   it must appoint a CEO selected by Brazil’s presi-
                         prices to direct use – not by channelling it into   dent, and the government can set limits on divi-
                         the state budget but by investing it back into its   dend payments to shareholders.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   23•June•2022
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