Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 25 2022
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         Competing objectives                 Contribution on Net Income (CSLL) paid by oil
                         In other words, it is under a certain amount   companies. The officials put the idea forward
                         of pressure to behave like a caretaker NOC   with the aim of reducing the impact of higher
                         and simply hand the cash over to the treasury,   fuel prices, but Economy Minister Paulo Guedes
                         even if it bears more resemblance to a privately   made clear that he opposed tax hikes, on the
                         owned and vertically integrated oil company   grounds that it might discourage investors from
                         in some respects. And it doesn’t have any easy   participating in the eventual participation of
                         way to relieve this pressure – not least because   Petrobras, the sources said.
                         Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s current president, has on   Guedes, one of Bolsonaro’s main supporters
                         multiple occasions complained publicly about   within the government, has said he does favour
                         Petrobras’ unwillingness to cut fuel prices at the   the sale of the NOC. However, it is not clear
                         government’s behest while also choosing CEOs   whether he addressed the question of the tim-
                         that support the company’s legal right to set its   ing of the sell-off during the preliminary talks
                         own prices independently of the state.  on CSLL rates.
                           This is a difficult balancing act, made even   In the meantime, three of Reuters’ sources
                         more difficult by the fact that Brazil is gear-  in the Economy Ministry noted that even if a
                         ing up for an election in October. Bolsonaro is   tax hike were approved, it would not take effect   Petrobras is also
                         seeking to remain in office, and as such he every   for another 90 days, meaning that it would not
                         bit as eager to avoid being blamed for the infla-  have much impact before the election, or even in   caught up in a
                         tion and economic pain stemming from high   2022. Additionally, some of the sources said, the
                         oil prices, as he is determined to overcome his   Brazilian government might not be able to use  debate over how
                         own unpopularity in the polls. As such, he has a   the proceeds of a CSLL rate increase to benefit
                         strong incentive to lambast the company for its   low-income citizens because the country’s elec-  the state can
                         pricing policy.                      toral laws bar it from spending more on social   meet citizens’
                           He has had many opportunities to do so, as   welfare programmes in the run-up to a presi-
                         Petrobras has raised fuel prices multiple times   dential election.         needs while
                         since the beginning of 2022. The most recent   Even if this were not a factor, they added,
                         hike occurred on June 17, and the president   Brasilia could not fit extra outlays into this year’s  ensuring free and
                         responded by declaring on the following day   budget without cutting expenses elsewhere   fair elections
                         that he had secured authorisation from the   or obtaining a waiver from the constitutional
                         National Congress for an investigation of the   spending cap. Both of these options would be
                         NOC and its approach to fuel pricing.  politically difficult, they said.
                           Given the bullishness of world oil mar-
                         kets, such an investigation probably would not   Striking a balance
                         amount to much. However, Brazilian political   In short, Petrobras remains in a difficult place.
                         circles have been abuzz over the last week over   It is trying to establish a balance between its
                         the issue of rising fuel prices. The furore led   functions as an upstream operator and its duties
                         Petrobras’ brand-new CEO, José Mauro Coelho,   as an instrument of the state. At the same time, it
                         to resign less than six weeks after taking office,   is caught up in a debate over how a government
                         while the NOC’s chief exploration and produc-  can best meet the needs of impoverished citizens
                         tion officer Fernando Borges stepped up to serve   while also upholding the principle of free and
                         as interim CEO.                      fair elections.
                                                                Thus far, the existing arrangement, which
                         Fight over CSLL                      involves majority state ownership and freedom
                         Meanwhile, Reuters quoted anonymous sources   from state control with respect to pricing, has
                         inside Brazil’s Economy Ministry as saying that   not allowed it to achieve equilibrium. It remains
                         ministry officials had begun debating a proposal   to be seen whether plans for privatisation will
                         for raising the rate of a tax known as the Social   serve it any better. ™

                                 Bolsonaro’s Economy Minister Paulo Guedes supports plans for privatising the NOC (Photo: Petrobras)

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