Page 7 - LatAmOil Week 25 2022
P. 7

LatAmOil                                     EL SALVADOR                                           LatAmOil

                           Gas delivered to the FSRU will be used to fire a TPP that produces 30% of El Salvador’s power (Image: BW LNG)

                         BW LNG did not say exactly how much LNG   Shell (UK), to regasify LNG at the rate of up to
                         had been moved in the STS transfer. LNG Prime   280mn cubic feet (7.93mn cubic metres) per
                         noted, though, that the Shandong Jupiter had a   day. The FSRU is the first vessel of its kind to
                         capacity of 138,104 cubic metres, while the BW   be deployed in Central America, and it pumps
                         Tatiana’s capacity stood at 137,000 cubic metres.  regasified LNG to shore via a 2-km pipeline so
                           Despite this lack of details, BW LNG   that it can be used as fuel for a 378-MW thermal
                         described itself as “very proud to be part of this   power plant (TPP) that EDP has been building
                         project” and noted that the FSRU was now “now   in Acajutla.
                         fully operational, injecting gas to the power plant   The total cost of establishing the system that
                         that will supply 30% of the country’s total energy   includes the FSRU, the pipeline and the TPP has
                         demand.” Additionally, it noted that the LNG-  been estimated at $1bn, making it the biggest
                         to-power system would help El Salvador bring   private-sector investment initiative in El Sal-
                         down harmful emissions in the power-generat-  vador. The project will help the country reduce
                         ing sector and stressed its commitment to sup-  emissions by replacing older power stations
                         porting a transition to a lower-carbon economy.  that burn a dirtier type of petroleum-based fuel
                           BW LNG is a shareholder in the EDP joint   – namely, residual fuel oil. It will also be con-
                         venture, which was formed to operate the   nected to the Central American Electrical Inter-
                         FSRU. Its partner in the venture is Invenergy   connection System (known as CAIES), which
                         (US). Together, the two companies are using the   links the power grids of El Salvador, Guatemala,
                         BW Tatiana, a converted LNG carrier formerly   Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama
                         known as the Gallina and previously owned by   via a 230-kV transmission line. ™

                                              TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
       Former energy minister airs doubts about

       Rowley’s forecast of rise in gas production

                         KEVIN Ramnarine, the former energy minis-  the early 2000s after the start the Juniper project.
                         ter of Trinidad and Tobago, has expressed scep-  In 2021, he explained, the country’s gas yields
                         ticism about Prime Minister Keith Rowley’s   averaged 2.58bn cubic feet (73.06mn cubic
                         recent prediction that the country’s natural gas   metres) per day, down from 3.63 bcf (102.8
                         production levels will start rising before the end   mcm) per day in 2018. This was the lowest figure
                         of 2022.                             recorded since 2003, he added.
                           In an article published last week by AZP   Rowley indicated at an industry conference
                         News, Ramnarine noted that Trinidad and   earlier this month that he expected production
                         Tobago’s gas output had been declining for the   levels to start rising later this year, the former
                         last few years after recovering from a slump in   minister continued.

       Week 25   23•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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