Page 4 - DMEA Week 38 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       CFP in full flow as Kuwait

       eyes overseas expansion

       Kuwait has started operations at the first of two giant downstream
       projects while it moves to expand its refining footprint internationally.

        MIDDLE EAST      KUWAIT National Petroleum Co. (KNPC)  of 50,000 bpd – between mid-August and early
                         this week began full operations at two refiner-  September.
                         ies recently upgraded and expanded under the   In early June, KNPC, the downstream-fo-
       WHAT:             800,000 barrel per day (bpd) Clean Fuels Project  cused subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum Corp.
       The 800,000 bpd Clean   (CFP). Meanwhile, work is nearing completion  (KPC), announced the completion of a new
       Fuels Project has now   on Kuwait’s latest addition to its overseas refining  hydrocracking unit at the Mina Abdullah refin-
       launched, improving   portfolio.                       ery, signalling the finalisation of work on the
       product quality and                                    CFP. The completion of works also happened a
       increasing volumes.  CFP start-up                      month ahead of its updated schedule.
                         The $15.6bn overhaul entailed raising through-  Meanwhile, fellow KPC subsidiary Kuwait
       WHY:              put capacity at the Mina Abdullah and Mina  Integrated Petroleum Industries Co. (KIPIC)
       Kuwait has a target of   Al-Ahmadi refineries to 454,000 bpd and  is nearing completion on the project it was set
       increasing domestic   346,000 bpd respectively, while improving envi-  up to manage, the new Al-Zour refinery that is
       refining capacity to   ronmental performance and facilitating the pro-  expected to come on stream in November. Add-
       1.6mn bpd by 2025, while   duction of cleaner fuels in line with Euro-IV and  ing a further 615,000 bpd to Kuwait’s refining
       its overseas portfolio is   Euro-V standards.          capacity, the project is estimated to cost around
       also growing.       The full start-up came in ahead of the early  $16.1bn, including the cost of associated petro-
                         2022 kick-off included in a timeline updated  chemical and LNG facilities.
       WHAT NEXT:        to factor in delays relating to coronavirus   Movement on the development has sped up
       Given the time it has   (COVID-19).                    of late and London-listed Technip Energies was
       taken to complete these   According to downstream-focused KNPC,  recently awarded a six-year contract for engi-
       projects, KPC may   the CFP is “a major pillar” in its and parent firm  neering and management services across the
       look to acquire a stake   Kuwait Petroleum Corp.’s (KPC) strategy of rais-  Al-Zour complex.
       in established units   ing the country’s refining capacity to 1.4mn bpd   The project was reported to have reached
       overseas to push its   in the medium term “in addition to fulfilling the  98.67% completion following a site visit by Prime
       global refining footprint   highest possible rate of energy processing at local  Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad
       towards 2mn bpd.  refineries to meet the local and international  Al-Sabah in early September.
                         demand of high-quality petroleum products.”  Once complete, Al-Zour will take Kuwait’s
                           A report by the state-owned Kuwait News  throughput capacity to 1.415mn bpd, while the
                         Agency (KUNA) quoted the refining capacity  country has previously spoken of plans to reach
                         target as 1.6mn bpd by 2025.         2mn bpd.
                           KNPC launched three units at Mina Abdul-
                         lah – a continuous catalytic reforming unit, a  Overseas outlook
                         vacuum rerun unit and an atmospheric residue  While significant progress is being made domes-
                         desulphurisation (ARDS) unit with a capacity  tically, Kuwait is also moving to expand its

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