Page 6 - DMEA Week 38 2021
P. 6

DMEA                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            DMEA

       SOMO yet to receive

       any Kurdish oil

        MIDDLE EAST      DESPITE now being in the second half of Sep-  should seek to “solve outstanding problems
                         tember, Iraq’s Federal and Kurdish Regional  through dialogue, exchange and respect of
                         Governments (KRG) still appear some way short  views while placing the national interest above
                         of an agreement to end lengthy arguments about  all considerations”.
                         oil sales.                             He also expressed “hope” that the meetings
                           In late March, the Iraqi Cabinet passed an  and dialogues with the KRG, especially after
                         agreement pegging the 2021 budget at IQD130  Minister Al-Atrushi assumes his duties, would
                         trillion ($89.65bn) with a deficit estimated at  “open a new page of serious objective dialogue to
                         IQD28.7 trillion ($19.79bn). With the country  solve outstanding problems and serve the Iraqi
                         97%-reliant on oil exports, the budget is based  people from north to south”.
                         on an oil price of $45 per barrel with total exports   While Erbil continues to wait for its $11.36bn
                         averaging 3.25mn barrels per day (bpd).  share of the 2021 budget, Baghdad has shown
                           As in previous budgets, the KRG will receive  goodwill by sending a combined IQD400bn
                         12.67% of the total, though this is contingent on  ($276mn) in advances during July and August
                         it handing over the net revenues from 250,000  to cover the salaries of civil servants, though it
                         bpd of oil exports to Iraq’s state oil marketer  has been stressed that these were not budget
                         SOMO and giving the revenues to the central  payments.
                           This week SOMO said that it is yet to receive  Sales
                         any crude from the KRG, no doubt adding fuel  Meanwhile, speaking to the official Iraqi News
                         to calls from Iraqi MPs for a tougher line on the  Agency (INA) this week, SOMO’s director-gen-
                         KRG. Early this year, 113 MPs, mostly Shi’a, sug-  eral Alaa Al-Yasiri provided some explanation
                         gested that section 2a of article 11 of the budget  for the aborted $4bn crude pre-payment deal
                         should read: “The Kurdistan region will abide by  earlier this year with China’s Zhenua Oil Co.
                         sending 460,000 barrels of oil per day to SOMO,   “The adoption  of the advance  payment
                         and in case of overproduction, they abide by  method came for the purposes of supporting
                         sending the excess amount to SOMO as well.”  the financial resources of the Iraqi state treasury,
                           While the KRG was never likely to agree to  which was suffering greatly from the decline in
                         this, Erbil has committed to a minimum produc-  financial revenues to the public budget as a result
                         tion level of 460,000 bpd.           of the decline in oil prices to very low limits due
                           The lack of crude transfer to SOMO is unsur-  to the Corona pandemic,” he said.
                         prising and illustrates the challenges faced by   Al-Yasiri added: “The referral was not made
                         Iraqi Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar and Kurd-  at the time, as crude oil prices witnessed a recov-
                         ish Minister of Natural Resources (MNR) Kamal  ery as a result of the decisions of [OPEC] and its
                         Hamid Al-Atrushi.                    allies to reduce production.”
                           Following an August meeting between the   With crude prices remaining buoyant, the
                         two, Iraq’s Ministry of Oil (MoO) released a  MoO cancelled the prepayment crude supply
                         statement expressing “readiness to work to  deal agreed with Zhenhua Oil in December.
                         remove all technical and financial problems and  Progress on the contract was stalled in February
                         obstacles in order to preserve the national wealth  as Baghdad benefited from rising oil prices and
                         that belongs to the Iraqi people according to the  in June SOMO said the crude allocated for the
                         provisions of the constitution”.     prepayment had been sold to other customers.
                           According to the statement, Abdul Jab-  The move was unsurprising given the dra-
                         bar stressed to his Kurdish counterpart the  matic increase in crude prices. Zhenhua’s pre-
                         importance of high transparency between the  payment deal assumed a price of $41.67 per
                         administrations in relation to the management  barrel, while the average price achieved by
                         of oil wealth throughout Iraq, noting that they  SOMO in July was $72 per barrel.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   23•September•2021
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