Page 6 - DMEA Week 19 2022
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       KRG to respond to Baghdad’s

       overtures this week

       Iraq’s Federal and Kurdish authorities remain embroiled in
       a battle over control of northern oil and gas development.

        MIDDLE EAST      KURDISTAN’S Regional Government (KRG)  via metering stations at the border town of
                         has said that it will respond this week to moves  Fishkhabour. Independent oil sales have been a
                         by Baghdad to take control over the northern  major issue for relations between Baghdad and
       WHAT:             Iraqi area’s oil and gas sector.     Erbil and have proven thorny enough an issue to
       Erbil and Baghdad have   The announcement comes as the Federal  prevent billions of dollars in budget share being
       been at odds for years   authorities intend to begin implementing a Feb-  transferred to the latter.
       over oil development and   ruary declaration by the Supreme Court that   In March, the MoO sent a letter to the KRG
       exports, but a court ruling   laws regulating the KRG’s oil and gas industry  informing Erbil of its intention to set up a new
       in February has brought   were unconstitutional and said region’s contracts  state oil firm to manage the Kurdish energy sec-
       the issue to a head.  should be voided.                tor, to which all oil and gas activities must be
                           Talks have been ongoing between the Minis-  transferred. The ministry suggested that the new
       WHY:              try of Oil (MoO), the Iraqi National Oil Co. and  firm should be called Kurdistan Oil Co. (KOC)
       Both sides have cited the   the KRG for more than 75 days with no agree-  and based in Erbil and inferred it would be a sub-
       constitution as providing   ment having yet been reached.  sidiary of the recently reconstituted INOC.
       support for their cases,                                 Talks have been ongoing, with Khaled
       but this offers little   Ruling                        Shwani, head of the KRG delegation, saying in
       clarity.          In the February ruling the court said that the  April that discussions had been “characterised by
                         KRG should deliver the “entire production of  frankness” and included efforts to “address the
       WHAT NEXT:        oil fields in Kurdistan” to the state oil marketer  oil problem in all its aspects in a radical way”. He
       The KRG has said it   Somo.                            added that while the sides were not close to an
       will provide a formal   It added that all the KRG’s contracts with  agreement, he said the talks were “a good begin-
       response to the Ministry   international oil companies and foreign govern-  ning for cooperation”.
       of Oil’s efforts to regulate   ments covering exploration, production, exports   Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar emphasised
       its oil and gas sector this   and sales were invalid and that details should be  the MoO’s alignment with Article 112 of the
       week.             provided to the MoO in Baghdad for auditing.  2005 Iraqi constitution – covering the produc-
                           Erbil currently exports around 360,000-  tion of oil and gas the Iraqi constitution – while
                         370,000 bpd of crude independently from  praising “the understanding of the members of
                         Baghdad using a pipeline which links to the  the delegation for the topics addressed in the
                         Turkish section of the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline  meeting”.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 19   12•May•2022
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