Page 7 - DMEA Week 19 2022
P. 7
Implementation constitution to support the KRG’s position,
With the talks so far having failed to bear fruit, much the same way Abdul Jabbar did last month.
Abdul Jabbar said during a meeting with INOC “While the Iraqi government is very keen to
officials that federal authorities would begin the implement the unfair decision of the Iraqi Fed-
process of implementing the Supreme Court’s eral Supreme Court’s decision over the oil and
decision. “We are moving to implement the pro- gas dossier, it neglected the same court’s decision
visions of this ruling. It is not easy [as] we are still in 2019 over committing the Iraqi government
revolving around the absence of confidence,” the to implement Article 140 to solve the issue of the
minister said, noting though that his side intends disputed areas between Erbil and Baghdad,” he
to continue talks. said.
“Starting the implementation of the resolu- His comments follow those by KRG Prime
tion’s provisions does not mean interrupting Minister Masrour Barzani in April who said:
the dialogue […] We respect the constitutional “The KRG reaffirms its commitment towards the
authorities of the region and we propose to con- oil companies until reaching a final agreement,
vert these authorities into a transparent standard according to the constitution, under which the
system that fits the foundations of the oil indus- rights of all sides are protected.”
try,” he said. Protecting common and individual interests
Meanwhile, he said that Baghdad is merely is clearly easier said than done, particularly in
seeking to regulate the Kurdish oil and gas sec- light of the vague terminology of the constitu-
tor to “protect energy security” for Iraq, noting tion, which states merely that the authorities of
that “it is illogical to have two polices for oil and oil-producing regions “shall together formulate
gas output in one country. This situation cannot the necessary strategic policies to develop the oil
continue.” and gas wealth in a way that achieves the highest
benefit to the Iraqi people”.
Response However, it is not only oil production and
Amid mounting pressure, chief of staff for the exports that is subject to intense politicisation,
KRG’s council of ministers Omed Sabah said with plans to expand the KRG’s gas network
that the MoO would receive the KRG’s response with a view to begin exporting gas via Turkey –
this week. perhaps as far as Europe – apparently leading to
“Following the KRG delegation’s visit to attacks on infrastructure and property belonging
Baghdad and its meeting with the Iraqi Oil to Kurdish firm KAR Group, which has signed a
Ministry in April, the Iraqi Oil Ministry gave a deal for the work.
proposal to the KRG delegation regarding a deal While these attacks emanated from the
over the KRG oil and gas dossier,” he said. Nineveh Governorate, there have been wide-
Sabah declared that “the KRG is now dis- spread accusations that they were directed by
cussing the proposal [and] by the end of this Iran as a means of retaliation for Kurdish efforts
week, the KRG will formally respond to the to reduce Iranian influence in Baghdad and
Iraqi Ministry of Oil”, noting that Erbil would rumours of Israeli involvement in Erbil’s gas
“continue joint work and cooperation, and the export plans.
talks will continue” within the framework of the With Iraq yet to appoint a new coalition gov-
constitution. ernment, the current mess appears likely to con-
Meanwhile, he sought to leverage the tinue as neither side looks likely to flinch.
Week 19 12•May•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P7