Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 18 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         higher oil prices as the economy recovers,” said   By contrast, another major Permian Basin
                         Chevron’s chairman and CEO, Mike Wirth.  producer, Diamondback Energy, was among
                         “Results were down from a year ago, due in part  those companies whose first-quarter profit
                         to ongoing downstream margin and volume  exceeded analyst expectations. The company
                         effects resulting from the pandemic and the  reported net income attributable to Diamond-
                         impacts of Winter Storm Uri.”        back of $220mn for the first quarter of 2021,
                           Indeed, Chevron was not the only one to  compared with a net loss of $272mn a year ago.
                         report taking a hit as a result of the winter storm,  Adjusted net income attributable to Diamond-
                         which had a particularly severe impact on Texas,  back was $379mn, or $2.30 per share, versus
                         with production, midstream and refining oper-  analyst expectations of $1.80 per share accord-
                         ations in the state all affected by outages in Feb-  ing to Refinitiv data.
                         ruary. Indeed, ExxonMobil said the extreme   ConocoPhillips – the largest independent
                         weather event had reduced first-quarter earn-  producer – also exceeded analyst expectations
                         ings by nearly $600mn “across all businesses  with an adjusted profit of $900mn or $0.69 per
                         from decreased production and lower sales vol-  share, above analysts’ average estimate of $0.51
                         umes, repair costs, and the net impact of energy  per share, according to Refinitiv.
                         purchases and sales”.                 The company reported 1.49mn boepd of pro-
                           Chevron’s chief financial officer, Pierre Bre-  duction for the first quarter, excluding Libya,
                         ber, said the winter storm had cost his com-  despite incurring roughly 50,000 boepd of
                         pany $300mn in lost production and repairs.  unplanned production downtime throughout
                         “That’s lost production in the Permian Basin  the Lower 48 states as a result of Winter Storm  Chevron was not
                         and lost production in refining and chemicals,”  Uri. This still marked an increase of 210,000
                         he said.                             boepd y/y, though ConocoPhillips noted that   the only one to
                                                              after adjusting for closed acquisitions and dis-  report taking a
                         Seeing similarities                  positions, output fell by 59,000 boepd, or 4% y/y.
                         The trends seen across Chevron and Exxon-  It attributed the decrease primarily to normal   hit as a result
                         Mobil’s results can also be seen – on a smaller  field decline, as well as production impacts from
                         scale – in the results being reported by US  Winter Storm Uri.              of the winter
                         independents.                         As more shale producers report their results,
                           For example, Pioneer Natural Resources  more details of storm impacts against the back-  storm, which had
                         reported an $80mn hit to its earnings in the lat-  drop of a broader recovery are anticipated to   a particularly
                         est quarter because of the winter storm. How-  emerge. Barring any worsening of the COVID-
                         ever, this pushed Pioneer into a net loss even as  19 situation, the recovery can be expected to be   severe impact on
                         some of its rivals have started reporting profits  even more prominent in the second quarter.
                         again. The Permian Basin producer reported  There will be no more storm impacts to report,   Texas.
                         a net loss of $70mn, down year on year from a  and positive performances will be compared
                         profit of $291mn in the first quarter of 2020.  with last year’s particularly challenging second
                           Despite this, Pioneer’s CEO, Scott Sheffield,  quarter.
                         described it as an “excellent quarter”, during   US oil and gas producers are not out of the
                         which his company integrated Parsley Energy’s  woods yet, but the first-quarter results have
                         assets into its business after acquiring the latter  brought a growing amount of good news for
                         in January.                          them, amid ongoing challenges.™

       Week 18   06•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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