Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 18 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Momentum for US LNG export plans

       Even as a small handful of US LNG export proposals are seen to be failing, others are

       moving forward

        US               US LNG exports continue to reach new highs,  tpy of capacity. At Plaquemines, it is hoping to
                         and momentum is building behind some of the  sanction the first 10mn tpy phase this year, to
       WHAT:             most advanced proposals to construct additional  be followed by a second 10mn tpy phase further
       The momentum behind   liquefaction capacity in the country.  down the line. The company is proposing to
       new US LNG export   This week, Venture Global, which is currently  build two further 20mn tpy facilities in Louisi-
       projects is growing, even   in the process of completing construction on  ana – Delta LNG and CP2 LNG – but these are
       as a small number fall by   the Calcasieu Pass LNG terminal in Louisiana,  at far earlier stages of development.
       the wayside.      announced a new partnership for developing   Plaquemines, however, is considerably
                         its second export plant, Plaquemines LNG.  advanced. Indeed, out of around 13 North
       WHY:              The company had previously selected KBR as  American LNG projects that are targeting a final
       Demand appears to be   its engineering, procurement and construction  investment decision (FID) this year, analysts
       on an upward trajectory,   (EPC) contractor for Plaquemines, which will  believe that Plaquemines is one of the few that
       and the best-positioned   also be located in Louisiana, and now says that  will proceed on schedule. The project also has
       projects are attempting to   Zachry Group had entered into a joint venture  two 20-year supply deals in place with France’s
       move forward.     with KBR for the project.            EDF and Poland’s PGNiG for a combined 3.5mn
                           The new joint venture, known as KZJV, will  tpy of its capacity, making the path towards FID
       WHAT NEXT:        execute the development, engineering, procure-  somewhat easier.
       Some companies are   ment and construction under the EPC contract   Meanwhile, the $4.5bn Calcasieu Pass is now
       anticipating taking FIDs   for Phase 1 of Plaquemines LNG, according to  expected to start producing LNG in test mode
       on new capacity later this   Venture Global’s latest statement. The partner-  later this year. If Venture Global succeeds in
       year, though delays are   ship will install modular liquefaction trains at  sanctioning Plaquemines as scheduled, that will
       possible.         Plaquemines, using the same approach that has  enhance its position as a leading developer in
                         already been implemented at Calcasieu Pass.  the second wave of US LNG projects.
                           Venture Global says on its website that its pro-
                         jects are based on mid-scale liquefaction tech-  Making moves
                         nology, with 10mn tonnes per year of capacity  Venture Global is not the only US LNG devel-
                         comprised of nine blocks and each block hold-  oper to be pushing forward with plans for new
                         ing two electrically driven 626,000 tpy trains. At  liquefaction capacity on the Gulf Coast. As
                         Calcasieu Pass it is currently developing 10mn  reported in recent weeks by GLNG, NextDecade

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