Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 18 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       HollyFrontier to buy Shell’s

       Puget Sound refinery

        WASHINGTON       HOLLYFRONTIER has agreed to buy Royal  to source “advantaged” Canadian and Alaskan
                         Dutch Shell’s Puget Sound refinery near Ana-  North Slope (ANS) crudes, the company said.
                         cortes, Washington State, for $350mn. This   In addition to the purchase price, HollyFron-
                         comes after Chevron was reported in March to  tier will pay around $150-180mn, on current
                         be the frontrunner for buying the refinery.  estimates, for hydrocarbon inventory that will
                           For HollyFrontier, the acquisition will mark  be valued at the deal’s closing. The company said
                         its entry into the US West Coast market. The  it would fund the acquisition with a one-year
                         company wants to supply it with renewable  suspension of its regular quarterly dividend and
                         diesel from a converted former 52,000 barrel  cash on hand.
                         per day (bpd) refinery in Cheyenne, Wyoming.   For Shell, the sale is the latest move to whit-
                         However, demand for gasoline is also outstrip-  tle down its refining portfolio as the super-ma-
                         ping supply in the region, and the Puget Sound  jor adjusts its assets to align more closely with a
                         refinery can help meet that demand.  low-carbon future. The company is prioritising
                           “We believe that the Puget Sound refinery will  sites that have integrated refineries and chemical
                         complement our existing refining business, with  plants on expectations that petrochemical use
                         sales into premium product markets and advan-  will grow in the future.
                         taged access to Canadian crude,” HollyFrontier’s   In September 2020, Shell said it would retain
                         CEO, Mike Jennings, stated this week.  only six refineries, including Norco in Louisi-
                           The 149,000 bpd Puget Sound plant is a  ana and Deer Park in Texas, from 14 previously.
                         “large, high-quality and complex refinery”,  Then, in November it announced that it was
                         according to HollyFrontier. It is equipped with  shutting its Convent refinery in Louisiana as a
                         catalytic cracking and delayed coking units and  result of the demand impact of the coronavirus
                         is well positioned geographically and logistically  (COVID-19) pandemic.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Cheniere delivers carbon-

       neutral LNG cargo to Europe

        US-EUROPE        US LNG producer Cheniere Energy said this   “It is great to see more producers offsetting
                         week that it had supplied a carbon-neutral cargo  their GHG emissions to meet the increasing
                         of LNG to Royal Dutch Shell under the two com-  demand for carbon-neutral LNG,” stated Shell
                         panies’ long-term sales and purchase agreement  Energy’s executive vice-president, Steve Hill.
                         (SPA). The cargo came from Cheniere’s Sabine  “Using high quality nature-based offsets to com-
                         Pass LNG terminal in Louisiana and was delivered  pensate for emissions that cannot be avoided or
                         to an unspecified location in Europe in early April.  reduced is an important step as we find more ways
                           According to Cheniere’s statement, offsets  to reduce emissions across the LNG value chain.”
                         used for the cargo were bought from Shell’s   The announcement about the cargo came
                         global portfolio of nature-based projects.  on the same day that Cheniere published its
                         Cheniere purchased the portion of offsets attrib-  results for the first quarter of 2021. The company
                         utable to estimated carbon dioxide equivalent  reported net income of $393mn for the quarter,
                         (CO2e) emissions associated with activities such  up 5% from $375mn in the same quarter of 2020.
                         as the production and liquefaction of the cargo.  The company exported 133 cargoes in the latest
                           The news comes after Cheniere announced  quarter, up from 128 a year ago and 130 in the
                         earlier this year that it would provide its LNG  fourth quarter of 2020.
                         customers with greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-  On the company’s earnings call, Cheniere’s
                         sions data associated with each cargo produced  president and CEO, Jack Fusco, noted that Win-
                         at its liquefaction facilities, beginning in the first  ter Storm Uri, which hit much of the US in Feb-
                         half of 2022.                        ruary, had a particularly significant impact on
                           Shell, for its part, is one of the early movers  Texas. Cheniere’s Corpus Christi LNG plant, on
                         in carbon-neutral LNG, and has also delivered a  the Texas Gulf Coast, went offline for a few days
                         handful of such cargoes itself, primarily to Asian  as a result of the storm and the power outages
                         buyers, since 2019.                  it caused.™

       Week 18   06•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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