Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 18 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       POLICY                              reduction targets by adopting greener   by Osum shareholders represented at the
                                           technologies and maintaining jobs in the   meeting (holding 89.8% of all issued and
       Canada and PRNL announce            sector.                              outstanding Osum Shares) voting in favour
                                             Along with the CAD53 billion invested in
                                                                                of the amalgamation. The amalgamation
       project recipients of ERF           a green recovery through the Fall Economic   received “minority approval” in accordance
                                           Statement, Canada’s Strengthened Climate
                                                                                with Multilateral Instrument 61-101. The
       offshore RD&D funding               Plan and Budget 2021, the Emissions   amalgamation was completed following the
                                           Reduction Fund will help Canada reach
                                                                                meeting. The amalgamated entity is now
       The Government of Canada is driving   its target of lowering emissions by 40-45%   wholly-owned by WEF and will continue on
       innovation in the Newfoundland and   below 2005 levels by 2030, and reach net-  business under the name “Osum Oil Sands
       Labrador offshore oil and gas industry to   zero emissions by 2050. Supporting research,   Corp.”.
       accelerate emissions reduction and achieve   development and demonstration activities   Pursuant to the terms of the amalgamation
       net-zero emissions by 2050.         will lower emissions in Canada’s offshore and   agreement between Osum and WOAC
         Today, the Minister of Natural Resources,   advance future clean technology in the sector.  dated April 6, 2021, each holder of common
       the Honourable Seamus O’Regan Jr., with   NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA, May 05, 2021  shares of Osum (other than WOAC, WEF
       Dave Finn, CEO of Petroleum Research                                     and any dissenting Osum shareholders) has
       Newfoundland and Labrador (PRNL),                                        received one Series A preferred share of the
       announced project recipients of the Emissions   UPSTREAM                 amalgamated entity for each Osum share.
       Reduction Fund’s Offshore Research,                                      Immediately following the effective time of
       Development and Demonstration (RD&D)   Waterous Energy Fund              the amalgamation, the redeemable preferred
       programme.                                                               shares were redeemed by the amalgamated
         Sixteen offshore RD&D projects will   announces the completion         entity for $3.00 in cash per redeemable
       receive a total of CAD24.4 million to innovate                           preferred share. The redemption consideration
       emissions reduction technology in the   of the final step of its         is the same as the consideration that was
       Newfoundland and Labrador offshore oil and                               offered and paid to Osum shareholders under
       gas industry. Funded by Natural Resources   acquisition of Osum Oil      the take-over bid for up to 57,000,000 Osum
       Canada and managed by PRNL, the projects                                 shares, which was completed on March 15,
       include companies that facilitate research,   Sands                      2021.
       technology development and innovation                                    WATEROUS ENERGY FUND AND OSUM OIL
       for Canada’s offshore. They explore ways to   Waterous Energy Fund (WEF) and Osum   SANDS CORP., April 30, 2021
       decarbonise offshore operations, including   Oil Sands Corp. are pleased to announce
       drilling, production and transportation.   that a special meeting of shareholders of
         This funding is part of the CAD750-  Osum was held earlier today to approve the   DOWNSTREAM
       million Emissions Reduction Fund, which   amalgamation of Osum and WEF Osum
       was launched by the Government of Canada   Acquisition Corp. (WOAC), an entity   Marathon Petroleum reports
       to help the oil and gas industry overcome the   wholly-owned by WEF. Osum shareholders
       economic impacts of COVID-19. Through   overwhelmingly voted to approve the   first-quarter 2021 results
       the fund, companies can meet their emissions   Amalgamation, with 97.7% of votes cast
                                                                                Marathon Petroleum today reported a net loss
                                                                                of $242 million, or $(0.37) per diluted share,
                                                                                for the first quarter of 2021, compared with a
                                                                                net loss of $9.2 billion, or $(14.25) per diluted
                                                                                share, for the first quarter of 2020.
                                                                                  Adjusted net loss was $132 million, or
                                                                                $(0.20) per diluted share, for the first quarter
                                                                                of 2021, compared with an adjusted net loss of
                                                                                $106 million, or $(0.16) per diluted share, for
                                                                                the first quarter of 2020.  First-quarter 2021
                                                                                and first-quarter 2020 results include pre-tax
                                                                                charges of $70 million and $12.4 billion,
                                                                                respectively, as shown in the accompanying
                                                                                release tables.
                                                                                  “During the first quarter, our industry
                                                                                continued to struggle with effects of the
                                                                                pandemic,” said Michael J. Hennigan,
                                                                                president and chief executive officer. “With
                                                                                the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out, we are
                                                                                beginning to see increases in global mobility
                                                                                and demand for transportation fuels. For
                                                                                the first time since the pandemic began our
                                                                                Refining and Marketing business generated
                                                                                positive adjusted EBITDA.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 18   06•May•2021
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