Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 18 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                distributed energy, have announced and
                                                                                agreed to collaborate on the potential
                                                                                commercialization and deployment of
                                                                                integrated, low carbon power-generation and
                                                                                hydrogen solutions to advance the energy
                                                                                  Baker Hughes and Bloom Energy will
                                                                                begin collaborating on potential customer
                                                                                engagements immediately, with the objective
                                                                                of launching pilot projects over the next 2-3
                                                                                years and fully commercializing and scaling
                                                                                applications, products and solutions shortly
                                                                                thereafter. The companies will focus efforts in
                                                                                three areas:
                                                                                  Integrated power solutions: By leveraging
                                                                                Bloom Energy’s solid oxide fuel cell
                                                                                technology (SOFC) and Baker Hughes’ light-
                                                                                weight gas turbine technology, the companies
         “We have also continued the strategic effort   thank everyone for their continued confidence  intend to provide efficient, resilient, and
       to reposition our company for long term   in our business,” said Tom Burke, president   cost-effective solutions for cleaner energy
       success, both through the pending Speedway   and chief executive officer of Valaris. “The last   generation, waste heat recovery, and grid
       sale and our investments in renewables   12 months have been challenging from many   independent power for customers.
       projects. The Speedway transaction is close to   perspectives. However, I am immensely proud   Bloom Energy’s efficient and low emissions
       completion, and we reiterate our commitment   of our employees’ hard work and commitment  SOFCs, Baker Hughes’ efficient and flexible
       to use proceeds from this transaction to   over this period. Our offshore crews   NovaLT gas turbines – which can run on up
       strengthen the balance sheet and return   and shore-based staff remain focused on   to 100% hydrogen - along with heat recovery
       capital to shareholders. Our board of directors   delivering safe, efficient and reliable drilling   turbines can create resilient microgrids ideal
       approved the conversion of the Martinez   services to our customers.”    for large-scale applications.
       refinery, and we are excited that, once   Burke continued: “In the current   Integrated hydrogen solutions: The
       permitting, engineering, and implementation   commodity price environment, we are   companies will explore opportunities to
       are complete, Martinez will be one of the   beginning to see the early signs of a recovery   pair Bloom Energy’s solid oxide electrolyser
       largest renewables facilities in the country.”  in customer demand following the downturn   cells (SOEC) that can produce 100% clean
       MARATHON PETROLEUM, May 04, 2021    caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. With   hydrogen with Baker Hughes’ compression
                                           the elimination of more than $7 billion of   technology for efficient production,
                                           debt and an injection of significant additional   compression, transport, and delivery of
       SERVICES                            capital, Valaris is best positioned to take   hydrogen. Waste heat utilization for steam
                                           advantage of opportunities going forward.”  generation will also be assessed to further
       Valaris successfully                fleet of modern, high-specification assets in   increase efficiency and cost effectiveness of
                                              The Valaris Group emerges with the largest
                                                                                hydrogen production. The companies will
       completes restructuring             the industry. The Company’s 11 drillships, five   target applications such as blending hydrogen
                                           semisubmersibles and 44 jackups are capable
                                                                                into natural gas pipelines, as well as on-site
       Valaris today announced that, on April 30,   of meeting a broad spectrum of customers’   hydrogen production for industrial use. These
       2021, the Valaris Group has successfully   requirements across all geographies.  efforts are geared toward accelerating the
       completed its financial restructuring and   VALARIS, May 03, 2021        transition to the hydrogen economy.
       emerged from Chapter 11. The Valaris Group’s                               Bloom Energy’s SOEC technology coupled
       Plan of Reorganization was approved and                                  with Baker Hughes’ compression technology
       confirmed by the United States Bankruptcy   ENERGY TRANSITION            could facilitate faster adoption of hydrogen in
       Court for the Southern District of Texas on                              process industries such as steel refining, where
       March 3, 2021. Valaris now moves forward   Baker Hughes and Bloom        the use of heat recovery from the steel-making
       with a strengthened capital structure,                                   process could deliver higher overall system
       eliminating $7.1 billion of debt and securing   Energy to collaborate    efficiencies and customer value.
       a $520 million capital injection by issuing                                Mutual technical collaborations: The
       $550 million of new secured notes maturing   on efficient power and      companies will assess opportunities to
       in 2028. As of April 30, 2021, Valaris had                               leverage Baker Hughes’ broad technology
       $615 million of available cash, $40 million of   hydrogen solutions      portfolio and Bloom Energy’s SOFC and
       restricted cash and $550 million of debt.                                SOEC solutions. In addition to hydrogen
         “Today marks an important milestone   to accelerate energy             and clean power, areas of collaboration
       as the company emerges from Chapter 11                                   may include carbon capture and emissions
       with a significantly strengthened capital   transition                   monitoring technologies, digital solutions,
       structure. The overwhelming support of                                   and additive manufacturing capabilities.
       our noteholders, bank lenders and voting   Baker Hughes, an energy technology   BAKER HUGHES AND BLOOM ENERGY, May 05,
       shareholders has been invaluable. I want to   company, and Bloom Energy, a leader in   2021

       Week 18   06•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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