Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 18 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Suncor’s first quarter bolstered

       by stronger prices

        CANADA           CANADA’S Suncor Energy has reported a  first quarter of 2021, it reached 785,900 barrels
                         net profit of CAD821mn ($674mn) for the  of oil equivalent per day, up from 739,800 boepd
                         first quarter of 2021, marking a reversal of a  y/y. This was attributed to combined upgrader
                         CAD3.5bn ($2.9bn) loss in the same quar-  use of 97% and record in situ production. Sun-
                         ter of 2020. The result exceeded expectations,  cor noted that together, the fourth quarter of
                         with analysts expecting a profit of CAD232mn  2020 and first quarter of 2021 represent the best
                         ($191mn) according to Refinitiv.     sequential synthetic crude oil (SCO) production
                           The latest results included a CAD181mn  performance in its history.
                         ($149mn) unrealised after-tax foreign exchange   Suncor’s president and CEO, Mark Little,
                         gain on the revaluation of debt and an after-tax  pointed to CAD2.1bn ($1.7bn) in funds from
                         restructuring charge of CAD126mn ($103mn).  operations during the first quarter, which he
                         This also marks an improvement from the first  said far exceeded all of the company’s capex and
                         quarter of 2020, when Suncor had CAD1.8bn  dividend commitments during the quarter.
                         ($1.5bn) of non-cash after-tax asset impairment   “Strong operational performance, combined
                         charges and a CAD1bn ($821mn) unrealised  with the incremental free funds flow benefits
                         after-tax foreign exchange loss on the revalua-  from our strategic investments, have enabled us
                         tion of US dollar-denominated debt.   to make significant progress towards our annual   Suncor noted
                           The latest quarterly result illustrates a  debt reduction and share buyback targets,” Little
                         trend that is now playing out across North  stated.                          that its oil
                         America, and also other parts of the world,   Indeed, he added that during the quarter
                         whereby oil and gas producers are reporting  Suncor had reduced its total debt by CAD1.1bn   sands capex
                         a stronger performance, bolstered by higher  ($903mn) and repurchased over CAD300mn
                         crude prices. It also shows how despite new  ($246mn) in common shares, representing   for 2021 was
                         waves of coronavirus (COVID-19) infec-  around 1% of its outstanding common shares.  heavily weighted
                         tions in some countries, resulting in new   Suncor noted that its oil sands capex for 2021
                         lockdowns, demand has continued its broad  was heavily weighted towards asset maintenance.   towards asset
                         recovery. Barring a significant worsening of  This is complicated by the fact that Alberta’s oil
                         the current COVID-19 situation, this trend is  sands region has become a COVID-19 hotspot,   maintenance.
                         expected to continue in the second quarter on  with Suncor among the companies battling out-
                         a year-on-year basis, given that the strictest,  breaks at its sites at a time when it needs to fly
                         most co-ordinated wave of global lockdowns  in more workers to carry out the maintenance
                         came during that quarter of 2020.    work.
                           Like Canada’s other leading oil sands produc-  Indeed, the company has pushed back the
                         ers, Suncor scaled back its capital expenditure  maintenance turnaround on the U2 upgrader
                         and production early last year as the pandemic  at its base plant site by at least a month. Mean-
                         took hold and producers took dramatic steps to  while, Syncrude Canada, in which Suncor owns
                         curtail their output in response to the collapse  a majority stake, has reduced maintenance
                         in demand.                           workforce numbers at the site. (See NorthAmOil
                           Now, its production is on the rise again. In the  Week 17)™

       Week 18   06•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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