Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 18 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       EQT to buy Alta Resources

       in $2.9bn Marcellus deal

        US NORTHEAST     US-BASED EQT has struck a deal to buy Alta  in its free cash flow (FCF) increasing by 55%, or
                         Resources Development for $2.93bn in cash and  $2.0bn, by 2026, while FCF per share is antici-
                         stock. The transaction will expand EQT’s posi-  pated to improve by more than 15% over the
                         tion in the Marcellus shale gas formation in the  same period.
                         US Northeast, giving it a foothold in a part of the   “This strong free cash flow contribution is
                         region that it is not yet present in.  a result of Alta’s low-cost structure, driven by
                           In a May 6 statement, EQT described Alta as  low royalty burdens averaging 14%, direct min-
                         having a “highly prolific inventory with superior  eral ownership, a premium firm transportation
                         well economics in the core of the Northeast Mar-  portfolio and an owned and operated midstream
                         cellus”. The acquisition will add 300,000 net acres  gathering system serving the operated acreage
                         (1,214 square km), and 1bn cubic feet (28.3mn  position,” EQT stated.
                         cubic metres) of production, comprised of 100%   The deal follows EQT’s acquisition of Chev-
                         dry gas.                             ron’s assets in the Appalachian Basin, which
                           “The acquisition of Alta’s assets represents  holds the Marcellus and Utica shale plays, for
                         an attractive entry into the Northeast Marcellus  $735mn in late 2020. The company also report-
                         while accelerating our deleveraging path, pro-  edly made a failed bid to take over rival CNX
                         viding attractive free cash flow per share accre-  Resources last year, Reuters noted.
                         tion for our shareholders and adding highly   This comes amid EQT’s overhaul of its oper-
                         economic inventory to EQT’s already robust  ations in an attempt to bolster its performance
                         portfolio,” stated EQT’s president and CEO, Toby  and maximise returns, which started when Rice
                         Rice.                                took over the leadership of the company in 2019.
                           Indeed, EQT projects that the deal will result   EQT is the US’ largest natural gas producer.™

       Williston Basin assets changing hands

        WILLISTON        OASIS Petroleum announced this week that  Mill Energy, which is backed by private equity
        BASIN            it had agreed to acquire Diamondback Ener-  firm EnCap Investments, illustrates how shale
                         gy’s assets in the Williston Basin – home to the  valuations have fallen over the past decade. The
                         Bakken and Three Forks plays – for $745mn  transaction consisted of 242,000 net acres (979
                         in cash. The news came days after Norway’s  square km) with 48,000 boepd of production in
                         Equinor said it had completed its own sale of  the fourth quarter of 2020, as well as associated
                         Bakken assets for $900mn.            midstream infrastructure.
                           Diamondback acquired its Williston Basin   Equinor is in the process of optimising its
                         assets through its merger with QEP Resources,  portfolio, and also sold its Eagle Ford shale assets
                         which closed in March. The company’s focus is  to Repsol for $325mn in late 2019.
                         on the Permian Basin, which spans Texas and   Production from the Williston Basin’s plays
                         New Mexico, so it has moved quickly to dispose  – especially the North Dakota Bakken – has
                         of the Williston assets in North Dakota and  boomed thanks to horizontal drilling and
                         Montana. Diamondback also said this week that  hydraulic fracturing. However, it has been hurt
                         it had agreed to sell certain non-core Permian  by oil price volatility in recent years, as shale
                         assets for around $87mn, without disclosing  drillers flocked to the more profitable Permian
                         who the buyers are.                  Basin instead.
                           The assets comprise roughly 95,000 net acres   Some operators continue to target the
                         (384 square km) and produced around 27,000  Bakken, though, with Continental Resources, a
                         barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in the  leading producer in the region, saying last week
                         first quarter of 2021. The deal is set to close in the  that it would ramp up activity in the play this
                         second or third quarter of this year.  year. And the fact that both Diamondback and
                           Equinor, meanwhile, entered the Williston  Equinor have found buyers for relatively large
                         Basin in 2011 by acquiring Brigham Exploration  asset acquisitions also suggests that the region
                         for $4.7bn. The sale of these assets, to Grayson  remains attractive.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 18   06•May•2021
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