Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 18
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global outages across its portfolio. The company’s sup-
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join ply averaged 125,700 barrels of oil equivalent per
our team of international editors, who provide a day in the three-month period, versus 162,100
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their boepd a year earlier.
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new
concise format, but by clicking on the headline FSU OGM: Ukraine imposes controls on
link for each section the full text will be available fuel prices
as before. Ukraine’s government has introduced con-
trols on retail gasoline and diesel prices in an
AfrOil: Nedbank to halt funding for coal, oil attempt to stem rising inflation. The move has
and gas projects prompted harsh criticism from the industry. In
South Africa’s Nedbank has decided to phase out an announcement on May 12, the government
funding for fossil fuel projects as part of a wider said it had added petroleum products to the list
effort to reduce its net carbon emissions to zero of socially important goods, and that retailers
by 2045. The group will work towards this goal now needed to declare plans to raise prices by 1%
by halting funding to organisations involved in or more to the state consumer market watchdog
thermal coal mining by 2025 and direct funding some 20 days in advance.
for crude oil and natural gas exploration.
GLNG: Woodside to exit Kitimat LNG
AsianOil: Indonesian upstream expands Australia’s Woodside Energy announced this
domestic content level week that it would exit its 50% non-operated
Indonesia’s upstream watchdog SKK Migas has interest in the proposed Kitimat LNG project on
revealed that the domestic content level in the Canada’s West Coast. The company will either
country’s oil and gas projects during the first four sell or wind up and restore the assets, leases and
months of the year exceeded the government’s agreements covering both the LNG terminal’s
target. The regulator said that domestic content site in Bish Cove, British Columbia, and the 480-
levels reached 58% of project costs by the end of km Pacific Trail pipeline route.
April, compared with the government’s full-year
target of 57%. MEOG: Iran optimistic as exports rise
It has been a busy week for Iran, which is work-
DMEA: UAE’s H2 plant and Jordan’s crude ing to ramp up oil output as it eyes a lifting of
oil imports sanctions and increased exports. Talks between
Emirati Energy and Infrastructure Minister world powers are yet to overcome the remaining
Suhail Al Mazrouei announced that the UAE obstacles to resume the 2015 Joint Comprehen-
will this week commission its first green hydro- sive Plan of Action (JCPOA), but Iran appears to
gen plant to produce clean transportation fuels be working on the assumption that these efforts
for use during Dubai Expo 2020 due to take will bear fruit.
place later this year. Meanwhile, Jordan’s Minis-
try of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) NorthAmOil: Gulf Coast LNG projects
launched a tender for the transport of 10,000 bpd inching forward
of Iraqi crude by road from Kirkuk to Zarqa. At the Citi Global Energy & Utilities Virtual
Conference last week, Tellurian’s executive
EurOil: Neptune stung by outages chairman Charif Souki said the company was
Northwest European producer Neptune Energy now “just weeks” from finishing the commer-
suffered a 22% year-on-year decline in oil and cialisation of Phase One at its Driftwood LNG
gas output in the first quarter as a result of terminal in Louisiana.
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P18 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 20 20•May•2021