Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 20 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Besides the difference in sulphur content, the                           the Lower Magdalena basin where there are few
       S-10 diesel has a higher cetane level, an index                          blockades, have not been adversely affected.
       that measures the ignition quality, i.e., the higher                     Canacol, May 19 2021
       the better.
         The increase in the S-10 Diesel production                             GeoPark reports on
       capacity follows the evolution of the diesel-pow-
       ered heavy and utility vehicle engines, responsi-                        the ongoing situation
       ble for most of the circulation of goods in Brazil.
       Petrobras, May 13 2021                 “UPS is honored to enter into this agreement   in Colombia
                                           with AGT Energy and begin work in Guyana.
                                           We understand the importance of Guyana’s oil  GeoPark, a leading independent Latin Ameri-
       SERVICES                            and gas sector to the growth of the country and  can oil and gas explorer, operator and consoli-
                                           its people and recognise the significance this par-  dator with operations and growth platforms in
       Solstad awarded new                 ticular refining project will have on both,” said  Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil and Argentina
                                           Reagan Busbee, President and Chief Operating  reports on the ongoing situation in Colombia.
       contract in Brazil                  Officer of UPS. “We’ve successfully completed   Following a new tax reform proposal, a
                                           projects all over the world, and we’re excited to  national strike started on April 28, 2021, with
       Solstad Offshore has signed a contract with  bring our expertise and passion to this project, as  protests and demonstrations in major cities of
       Enauta Energia for the AHTS Normand Turma-  well as to the people of Guyana.”  Colombia. Despite the proposal being dismissed
       lina. The vessel will be utilised by Enauta to sup-  Darren Debideen, Oil and Gas Consultant  in early May, demonstrations continued and
       port the Atlanta field in the Santos Basin, Brazil,  for Demerara Contractors and Engineers Lim-  intensified and included road blockades across
       for 18 months firm and with two years option  ited (DCEL), a subsidiary of Demerara Distillers  the country, affecting logistics and supply chains
       thereafter. Commencement of the contract is  Limited (DDL), stated, “We’re excited to bring  in general.
       during May 2021.                    UPS onto the team. They have an extensive track   These events impact crude oil transportation,
       Solstad Offshore, May 11 2021       record as a trusted service provider to ExxonMo-  drilling, and the mobilisation of equipment and
                                           bil, and we’re confident that experience, along  personnel, causing GeoPark and its joint-ven-
       Universal Plant Services            with their reputation for training and com-  ture partners to significantly reduce activity
                                           munity involvement, will be beneficial for this  in the fields and to start executing controlled
       signs co-operation                  project. We’re confident UPS is the right partner  production shut-ins in the Llanos 34 (GeoPark
                                           who will be dedicated not only to the success of  operated, 45% WI), CPO-5 (GeoPark non-op-
       agreement with Demerara             the project, but to Guyana and its people as well,”  erated, 30% WI), and Platanillo (GeoPark
                                           said Danny Balkissoon, Managing Director of  operated, 100% WI) blocks, which have been
       Group/AGT Energy Group              AGT Energy Group Inc.                gradually implemented since May 8, 2021.
                                                                                  GeoPark’s priority is to ensure the health
                                           Universal Plant Services, May 20 2021
       Universal Plant Services (UPS) has entered into                          and safety of its employees, neighbors and con-
       a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with                                 tractors. The Company is taking all necessary
       Demerara Group/ AGT Energy Group. The  PERFORMANCE                       steps to mitigate the impact of these events and
       MoU states that UPS is to provide maintenance,                           is participating in ongoing conversations with
       repair and installation services for rotating,   Canacol Energy provides   the Colombian government, its joint-venture
       fixed, reciprocating and electrical equipment                            partners and suppliers, and expects the matter
       to support the energy sector. Demerara Group/  operations update         to be resolved in order to restart operations and
       AGT is engaged to provide services to multina-                           production.
       tional companies to support all services asso-  Canacol Energy provides the following informa-  As of the date of this release, GeoPark’s net
       ciated with the upstream sector of Guyana and  tion concerning its operations in Colombia.  production curtailments total 12,000-15,000
       Suriname both offshore and onshore. Together,   Despite the civil disturbances occurring in  boepd, representing 40-45% of the Company’s
       the organisations are working to support Exx-  Colombia related to the national strike, Can-  production in Colombia and with its remaining
       onMobil’s offshore refining interests in Guyana.  acol’s gas sales and drilling operations remain  production in the country flowing normally. The
         UPS, a Jones Industrial Holdings company,  uninterrupted. Given that Canacol’s gas sales  Company’s operations and production in Chile,
       provides world-class integrated specialty ser-  are delivered via pipeline, the transportation  Brazil and Argentina have not been affected by
       vices designed to maximise the performance of  and delivery of gas to its clients has been unin-  these events.
       critical energy assets. As one of North Ameri-  terrupted. Realised contractual natural gas sales   Drilling, maintenance and other field activ-
       ca’s largest comprehensive specialty service  (which are gas produced, delivered, and paid for)  ities in Colombia have been temporarily sus-
       providers, UPS provides construction and  have averaged 172 mcf per day for the period  pended until the situation is resolved.
       maintenance, repair, and installation services  May 1 to May 17, 2021.     The GeoPark team will continue to make
       for rotating, fixed, reciprocating and electrical   Outside of the major cities, the majority of  any and all adjustments necessary to protect its
       equipment to the refining, petrochemical, power  blockades are occurring in the oil producing Lla-  employees, neighbors and contractors, as well
       generation and offshore industries.  nos, Middle Magdalena and Putumayo basins.  as to minimise the impact on production, and
         The company has the proven skills to guide  As recently announced by other oil focused  once there is more information on the length
       diverse construction projects to successful com-  Colombian producers, the blockades have been  and overall evolution of these events, GeoPark
       pletion with extensive experience operating  disruptive to transportation of crude oil, drilling  expects to provide revised oil and gas production
       in greenfield (new) and brownfield (existing)  and workover equipment, and personnel. The  guidance and an updated work programme.
       construction.                       Corporation’s operations, which are located in   GeoPark, May 17 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   20•May•2021
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